View Full Version : This System actually sucks.

16-04-2008, 09:18 PM
I always liked this system until the day some idiots left so it was 3on5.
I left
and they kept on playing
and so i got a leave.
I dont think this should happen
perhaps it has a reason
please explain

25-04-2008, 12:02 AM
Have you been on the team of 3? and they played on 5v2???
Well, that's bad luck. But i think even a 5v3 often still is playable. You might lose it - so what? It can still be a decent game. So stay!
Or did you leave for balance so it was 3v4?
That is a real problem in my opinion. Many public games can be "saved" be such a leave - and nobody should get counted a leave for that!

The system just can't be perfect. We all have to live with a couple of unfair results. DotaRank still is a useful tool.