View Full Version : Enigma with ult + lothars????

21-05-2008, 02:35 AM
anyone crazy enough to try it???????!?!?!?

06-06-2008, 10:43 PM
why? Its a AOE Disable. If you dont get all your made it wrong :D

12-06-2008, 11:10 PM
How can you be sure to get all melee and ranged?

17-06-2008, 08:49 PM
Enigmas role is as a supporter/disabler.

If u mean using his ulti to deal aoe damage to many heroes and ww out of the situation u missunderstood his role in my eyes.
If u mean to ww, sneak up into the enemy group and mass disable them to initiate a team combat, could work with confusion in the enemy team, but you're as good as dead in most fights, while the damage isnt really big. Wasted ulti in my opinion.

The best effect has his ulti in a teamfight with as many of your team with as possible, Enigma disabling the enemies while your mates deal the real! damage and protecting u.

WW isnt really so useful because his ulti didnt do that much damage, has a high cooldown time and you are channeling while beeing helpless to incomming enemies so u shouldnt waste it.. and when solo farming u should be able to escape without it.

In my eyes lothar is just a waste of money on Enigma. If u want killing get a Dagon, if u want to escape buy a Dagger, if u want to disable get Guinso (Eul), or just get Shivas to have a bit of it all while even strenghtning your role in a mass fight.

14-02-2009, 07:07 PM
mb he suggested to use lothars like on doc...when you switch on lothars after casting ulti u get invi but dont stop channeling ulti....so mb it also works on enis ulti...never tryed it

14-02-2009, 11:02 PM
it works on everything channeling, u dont get interuptet using lothar..

but i think ur better suited with other items!

15-02-2009, 07:13 PM
lothar sucks on enig, u need the farm for dagger/hp items.
next time i play enig ill upload u a replay.

my enig:
start with sobi mask and 4 clarities and conversion skill
block first long lane hard to let tower kill most of enemy wave (in dual lane this gives u 75% of the xp for lvl 2)
head off to the strong camp and convert the strongest creep u can (lvl 4 ursa if possible) and start hitting the strongest creep with all (backing off low hp summons), then continue jungling. u should be lvl 3 after 2 camps already (thats more then enemy dual lanes) if ur teams long lane pushes too fast go pull the pullcamp while ur summons are jungling easy camp.
when u reach lvl 6 u gang ur long lane (make sure u have mana) it doesnt really matter if u kill or not as long as u get enemy a lil low/scare them/ give ur solo teamm8 advantage over the lane, if necesarry u convert enemy ranged creep and clear a wave and push enemy tower with ur mate and ur summons while u go back to the jungle urself.. when u reach lvl 7 u probably have 2300 gold, convert a neutral and head to base to get ur dagger+tpscroll. now go gank the other dual lane or mid and rape hard with enemies going wtf dagger and lvl 7-8 whilest their solo just got to lvl 8 aswell :)

Further enig task: gang when ulti cd/ push all 1st enemy towers with ur team and summons 1 by 1/farm jungle or harras enemies when necesarry.
Items: dagger/normal boots/scrolls/void stone
after the core either 2 bracers OR orb for guinsoo OR perse->blood/linken depending on enemies. I often prefer rushing guinsoo and then getting bkb myself but it depends on enemy disables. if there are lots of agi and int without nukes get ur BoT after ult orb.

This way i often have the same lvl as the solo heroes till lvl 14, then i get ahead even because of all the kills around me. also i outfarm all. Make sure however that ur team can handle the extra solo lane because u really need to use the pullcamp to not get oom before lvl 6. Oh and another really positive point.. by maxing conversion first and malefice 2nd.. u always got a stun if ppl wanna gang u.. and with this strat ur always max hp while jungling :) ye enig rocks!

15-02-2009, 07:14 PM
oh and daggering into enemy fountain is fun too.. cause blackhole also stops fountain :)

16-02-2009, 01:06 PM

there enjoy =)

17-02-2009, 03:08 PM
Never get Lothars in real team games… Lothars is just a useless team item. Get blink and/or bkb u are fine…
And I see the replays. Y if your team sucks lothars is good to prevent death…

17-02-2009, 06:43 PM
Never get Lothars in real team games… Lothars is just a useless team item. Get blink and/or bkb u are fine…
And I see the replays. Y if your team sucks lothars is good to prevent death…

Never is a good word here. But not used as "Under no circumstances should you get Lothar's in real team games.".
I'd prefer a sentence like this: "Nevermore gets Lothar's in real team games.". It should be the most important part of his item build.

17-02-2009, 07:09 PM
No SF gets BKB and maybe blink l8 game. Lothas is not enough dmg for its money. But as i said it is my point of few. xD

18-02-2009, 01:32 AM
Im your opinion unsaufi :P
I prefer dagger myself and no lothars.
-You can participate in mobs much faster and can harass blinker much better, especially when they blink over cliffs etc...
-You can harass much better at all, because especially in early game a dagger is totally imba.
-You need much longer for building up lothars and dont need both, means a dagger fits your needs.
-You can use your razes to its full extend when you decide to kill someone and close up to him(he starts running).
First of all you cast your closest raze then follow with casting medium and longest ranged raze.
Then you close up with dagger again and repeat the procedure.
In my Eyes the best build for Nevermore is:
1.Bottle first item
4.Boots of Travel (for imba creeping/just my opinion)
6.Butter/Deso/Buri ->Scythe is also nice on him.
The crucial advantage of dagger is that it doesnt cost so much and you can cover a distance in highspeed and blow the deciding strike on an enemy which is on the backtrack.

18-02-2009, 01:39 PM
I play him with Matna. Like a lot heros these days. ;D
But we are off topic... ::)

13-03-2009, 07:49 PM
How can you be sure to get all melee and ranged?

If u are pro everything is possible!

30-07-2009, 07:29 AM
there are better tiems for nigma but i will buy it in apem ;P