View Full Version : found another buguser

07-06-2008, 02:15 PM
vorag uses a bug i guess...


the same game gets mostly counted twice... 1 time normal, 1 time with the name fredo or fredo2... you can look at his profile, the same time, the same players, but a different name - looks like this:

fredo2 50 min. Jun 05, 18:12:28 Scored
dota -sd pro ranked 50 min. Jun 05, 18:12:28 Scored

i hope u will punish bugusers and hopefully fix the -10 bug... regards

09-06-2008, 12:49 PM
yeah i have seen it too man, and there are games scored till 3 times in that profile...

10-07-2008, 04:41 AM


same game, same players, same result, same time (nearly - 1 sec difference) => counted twice! why?

i hope u will fix this bug in future and maybe correct those ranks or "punish" buguser... 1 time may be ok, but several times for many weeks, no thanks...
people like him lower the credibility of dotarank cuz its seems so easy to abuse atm

Sir Rogers
23-07-2008, 10:30 AM
Thanks for finding him. I will look into it as soon as I have the possibility to.

25-07-2008, 09:51 PM
Hey Donmazz,

maybe you think a moment before you start guessing that Vorag is a bug user. Especially when you know many of the guys who played in the linked game report. You do not use LC for your 1vs1 dota games, do you?
(Why you use rank at all in 1vs1 games? Let me guess, easy way to get rank and win ratio up...That is what I would call abuse.)

So here is my guess to what happens there:
Vorag opens up an LC game named fredo. His mates join the game. Because they are missing people for a "real" game of dota (5vs5), they change the gamename to dota -sd rank 5+! and let the pubbies join to fill their ranks. One of the pubbies got rank running too.
They play, someone wins and ALL game reports are sent.
Maybe the rank does not register that the name of the game has been changed. (First six people join a game called fredo and the rest join dota -sd...) So there are at least two game reports with different names and they get scored just because the scoring system can´t see that this is the same game.
That is what I guess...

So please stop calling for punishment and just report the "bug".

26-07-2008, 01:58 AM
Hi guys,

i happen to play regularly with Vorag and some other guys so that i will just talk in defense of him and all of us that "suffer" from the same bug.
The problem here is, as LuBot allready said, LC and arank not working together correctly.
As a LC host you can not use arank at all as it crashes on the way LC refreshs games.
All other players joining a LC game though can use arank.

Now we usually all join a private game (fredo), form 2 about even teams and then fill up with publics if necessary.
This is where the problem starts: The game now has a different name and anyone (be it one of us showing up lateron or a pubbie) joining who runs arank himself will rank the game with a different name.
This was actually pretty likely to happen in the past when arank was not too popular yet, as most people were either not ranked at all or using arank themself -> those not ranked get kicked, those staying use arank themself -> double ranked game.

So yes, lots of our games were ranked twice, some even 3 times if the gamename was changed multiple times.
This though never, or at least never that i was there, happened on purpose.
If you don't believe me on this: Why should we rank several times? We play only half-internal and fully internal games with our own host, so the rank itself doesn't matter for us.
The winrate though is something we cared about, nagging those of us with low winrates and stuff ;)
So therefor: The only important thing for us is that as soon as a game is hosted at least ONE of us runs the software to check the other players and to track our winrates.

Bugreport on the winrate:
If you enter the -sp (shuffle player) gamemode the winrates get calculated with the setup-teams, not with the actually playing teams.
So if you for example are on sentinel before gamestart, then get shuffled on scourge and win the round, arank counts it as a loss.
Just another bug coming to my mind while im writing this post ;)
I will open a threat about this soon.

As for the dotarank ladder, which might be the actual reason for your anger, i guess some other LC players have the same problem.
But joining -em games or playing with a team against pubbies would for sure have a bigger effect on how many games you get through in a specific time than the LC bug ever could have (except for being regularly used on purpose) and nobody would really nag about these.

For the admins:
I am no database pro, but it should be easily possible to filter out multi-counted games with just a few checking-routines.

28-07-2008, 09:53 AM
Let me get this right.
U make a game "fredo" even though u KNOW u ain`t got enough ppl (if u don`t go public with the game and just reserve the slots, as I do) and then u keep changing the name of the game as u desire even though u know that will double post ur game, right?
How I do it: We`r all in channel as we should, we search for the fullteams, and THEN we start the game, I`m not creating a freaking double post for the game on purpose.
That is how a PRO game starts. As I see most of ur games go like that. That is abuse of a bug (exploit I think it`s called). I`v looked at ur games ... ur "problem" happens wayyyyyyyy to often, thus the huge rank increase. 5 games doubled (~50-60 min each means alot of time!), u grow like other ppl in 2 days. That is WRONG?


What the hell ? 5 games doubled, just today ?!
dota -sd pro rank 5+! 82 min. Jul 24, 10:21:26 Scored
fredo 82 min. Jul 24, 10:21:26 Scored
fredo 42 min. Jul 24, 08:29:03 Scored
dota -sd pro rank 5+ 42 min. Jul 24, 08:29:02 Scored
fredo 38 min. Jul 23, 18:23:19 Scored
dota -rd lc rank 4+ 38 min. Jul 23, 18:23:18 Scored
dota -sd pro rank 5+ ! 54 min. Jul 21, 16:11:47 Scored
fredo 54 min. Jul 21, 16:11:46 Scored
fredo2 43 min. Jul 21, 14:11:00 Scored
dota -sd pro rank 5+! 43 min. Jul 21, 14:11:00 Scored
dota -sd pro rank 5+ 52 min. Jul 21, 13:10:10 Scored
fredo 52 min. Jul 21, 13:10:01 Scored

82 + 42 + 38 + 54 +43 + 52 ~ 300 min in there ... + ~ 40 min for player rank 5+ search = 1 whole day from another`s dude life ... to catch up with ur bug abuse.
That is the aproximative number of hours i play when i got the time.
How the hell is that fair ?
Don`t use LC, there is DR VCK DC, all do the SAME thing, but LC is the only way to grow on steroids.
Well ... u know it`s wrong ... yet u keep up the "good" work I see. This should be punished.

28-07-2008, 11:30 PM
Oh my lord!
Guys get a grip and stop this kiddyshit.

After beeing rank 10 it´s not rly important of beeing any rank.
Rank shouldn´t be about who got most games scored (this kind of timeconsuming playing is for unemployes only or any people with / or without reallife).
Rank got a rly nice idea behind all and managed to beeing able of playing pbulic and having nice games without leaver, but since some time now it´s allmost dead.

Now concerning this problem of "bugabuse". Ever thought about the simple reason for doing this of keeping it simple for friends to join a game private and than turning it public for all others? From my point of view this problem is more concerned to the fact nobody is working on .Arank anymore and not about abusing a bug.

29-07-2008, 03:04 AM
We got good news the work on Arank will be continued, I really hope they come true. I do agree that this problem should be solved by coding instead of suspecting other players.

There already is a time limit; those 30 minutes - why should the database accept multiple entries of games being longer than 30 minutes which all were within the same 30 minutes? It simply does not make any sense, it's a logical bug that could easily be fixed.

if ( TIME_previous_game_ended + TIME_new_game_duration < TIME_now ) {
} else {

I'm sure that can be done much better. However, it would probably save a lot of aggression and work.