View Full Version : To all RGC admins

14-07-2011, 03:41 PM
It was a long time since i last played in RGC, and now i was curious to see how is the client going. I opened forum, bugs section and wtf... half of the topics were like "why rgc is not working/cant connect to rgc.." and so on. Then i saw the "important message" topic started by bitchgotraped, where he explained that rgc is down because of unconrollable DDoS attacks. So here is my question: why only RGC is being ddosed, why no DLG, Darer, even garena servers are not suffering the same problem, because i really can't see the reason. RGC is neither the best client (i mean the client as a piece of software), nor the most popular one, so why only it should suffer severe ddos attacks? Or mb the other clients are under ddos as well, but manage to fight it? Please give me a reasonable explanation, not common bullshits and excuses

Regards, Darkkiller4o

14-07-2011, 07:19 PM
Because rogers hates you all and he crashes RGC for fun of it.

14-07-2011, 11:01 PM
RGC suffered alot of DDOS attacks to weaken it down, since it was on the head of getting literally all DOTA gamers to come and try RGC.
All RGC trials love RGC, and basically quit/uninstall any other clients they have become stable memebrs with RGC.
Haters make you famous . That's a good quote I guess.

Anyways, Roger is working so hard to minimize any downtime.
He is really working hard to manage the up-time to %99.99

28-07-2011, 02:22 PM
Peaaace :)) Hehehe !!

01-08-2011, 01:20 PM
Because rogers hates you all and he crashes RGC for fun of it.

hahhahhahahahahah cool story bro!!!