View Full Version : stereosushi hero guide

03-03-2009, 05:00 PM
hi guys. sup?

i felt like to do something for the community, cause im kinda bored of some dotarank pubs. :-\

i prefer inhouse games with you guys. ;D

so... i got a bit time at the moment and would let you know...

if we got a new forum up i would like to write a hero guide.

you can decide the hero!

you can choose between:

1 - mirana
2 - invoker
3 - chen
4 - rasta
5 - krobelus
6 - puck
7 - lina
8 - skeletonking

just type the number for witch you vote.

i will create it like this:

itembuild1 - earlygame description - pictures how to handle spells and mapcontrol
itembuild2 - midgame description - pictures how to use active items in different situations
itembuild3 - lategame description - some generally tips & tricks

maybe my mate spanx can made me a little movieclip that i can upload on youtube.
for example...
showing you how to use some attack animation canceling.


cant copy and paste the movie the pictures and the tabulations in this forum!
you cant even write with different font or color in this forum. >:(

otherwise any suggestions? ;)

regards, sushi

03-03-2009, 05:25 PM
Although i don't read guides in general, i would like to hear what u can say to Invoker xD

Vote: 2

03-03-2009, 05:45 PM
Vote: 2

03-03-2009, 06:34 PM
i wanted chen but there is a guide at dota-alltards that is unbeatable anyways so i prefer invoker

Vote : 2

03-03-2009, 07:06 PM
lets go with the 2! ;D ;D ;D

04-03-2009, 04:23 AM
2 ::)

1 would be nice 2

05-03-2009, 01:36 AM
Yeah 2!

03-04-2009, 04:02 AM
Yeah nr 2! ;)

03-04-2009, 11:31 AM
i vote 3, with a proper wardguide in it =) as many dr pubs play support without wards or dont know where to palce them when u ask them to and they actually listen for once :P

04-04-2009, 01:56 AM
nr.2 . That's the only one i cant play xD

05-04-2009, 01:44 PM
:X always so emotional after theese wodka days :X

03-07-2009, 01:33 PM
i will say 2 aswell because i want to know how that hero works, never played him and never felt like playing him. allso if there is a demand for a wardguide i have been thinking about doing one where i name some heros that should/could ward where to place them when to anti ward and some things like tha. i will need to learn how to upload screenshots tho so if someone nice could help me with that it would be great :)

03-07-2009, 02:48 PM
i will say 2 aswell because i want to know how that hero works, never played him and never felt like playing him. allso if there is a demand for a wardguide i have been thinking about doing one where i name some heros that should/could ward where to place them when to anti ward and some things like tha. i will need to learn how to upload screenshots tho so if someone nice could help me with that it would be great :)

although stereosushi is banned for lifetime and u wont ever see this guide[^^'], I hardly want u to make a wardguide.

But my i can help i a lil with invoker....i´ve seen him in competivegames played like this mostly:

he gets sololane mid/bot getting pt of int asap

use forge spirits to surprise with WTFHIGHDMG at earlygame

also use icewall for clashes and cold snap...meteor equals high dmg but is hard to place when enemys move

all in all pts are essential earlygame....mb bloodstone laters but ive seen many bracers after pt in many games

03-07-2009, 08:11 PM
i will say 2 aswell because i want to know how that hero works, never played him and never felt like playing him. allso if there is a demand for a wardguide i have been thinking about doing one where i name some heros that should/could ward where to place them when to anti ward and some things like tha. i will need to learn how to upload screenshots tho so if someone nice could help me with that it would be great :)

Hey oa2000,,

when u take a screenshot, u just need to convert the .tga into .gif or .jpeg with this(u find ur screenshots in ur wc3 folder):

http://www.imageconverterplus.com/ (just download the free version)

then you just start posting, add ur converted .gif or .jpeg with the forum tool (additional options) to ur post and there you go ur screenshot is uploaded.

To inspire your guide its always useful to check out www.dota-allstars.com for guides imo.


03-07-2009, 08:38 PM
wow nice j0su i needed that too thx

03-07-2009, 11:42 PM
ty now i will start working on this guide. oh and allso a nice forum for guides (some are a bit old) http://www.garena.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=196&page=1

04-07-2009, 12:13 AM
dear god no, garena is probably the last place in the world to look for guides.
There are people suggesting getting 2-3 battlefurys for pitlord and millions of idiots applaud and praise the creator for that piece of shit.

Rather get your guides straght from dota-allstars.com.

04-07-2009, 01:06 AM
idc about item builds, its mostly the way they talk about skills, test it all out and stuff. iteml builds is easy to figure out yourself if you just think about it^^

14-08-2009, 02:43 AM
its great for invoker that goes forge spirit+cold snap to buy necronomicon cuz then 5units atack 1target that is "snaped" its like a 5sec stun with manaburn and reduction of armor, it owns early game, and the benefit is that you dont need regen items at early game, later start combining wall of ice and deafening blast with the summons and invis for escape,
also you can always invoke sunstrike if nececery to help your allies early game, I go for meteor+blast when I'm lazy to micro.