View Full Version : Commands

29-07-2011, 10:48 PM
Client Commands :

/j <Channelname>
Takes you to the respective channel.

/p <Username>
Shows the profile of the respective user.

/w <Username> <Text>
Whispers the specified text to the respective user.

/whois <Username>
Shows the current status of the respective user

/f add <Username>
Adds the respective user to your friend list.

/f remove <Username>
Removes the respective user from your friend list.

Shows the current server time and your local time.

Changes your status to "Away from Keyboard" or "Online"

Shows the users online, ingame and channels currently.

Clears the chat.

!host <Gamename>
Hosts the specified game.

!kick <Username> <Reason>
Kicks the respective user from the channel with the specified reason.

!vouch <Username> <Reason>
Vouches the respective user in the channel with the specified reason.

!unvouch <Username> <Reason>
Unvouches the respective user in the channel with the specified reason.

!vouchhistory <Username>
Shows the vouchhistory of the respective user i.e. all vouches/unvouches.

!timeban <Username> <Ban Duration> <Reason>
Bans the respective user from the channel for the specified duration and reason. Duration can be in m(minutes), h(hours),d(days), w(weeks).

!timeunban <Username>
Removes timeban.

!baninfo <Username>
Shows the information about the current bans of the respective user.

!banhistory <Username>
Shows the banhistory of the respective user i.e all bans/unbans.

Game Lobby Commands :

Confirms your slot in the game.

Shows the points of all players in the game.

Shows the ping of all players in the game.

Shows slot reservations; if any.

!open <Slotnumber>
Opens the respective slot.

!close <Slotnumber>
Closes the respective slot.

!swap <Slotnumber 1> <Slotnumber 2>
Swaps the players in the respective slots.

Starts the game if all players are pinged.

!start force
Starts the game irrespective of the pings.

Unhosts the game.

In Game Commands :

Shows your ping.

Shows the ping of all players in the game.

Adds your vote for forfeiting the game.

Adds your vote for remaking the game.

Forces the game to end.

!latency <number>
Sets latency for the game