View Full Version : Some basic tips and trix

28-06-2009, 05:52 PM
I allways wanted to make a guide but never have time so i will make a short one with some easy things to improve your gameplay.

1. dont block creeps on side lanes, its much better to go for rune spawn and get the first rune and first blood if you meet other team

2. dont die for no reason, say you chase a low hp hero and he goes in under tower. stop chase and go back even if you run in and kill you will lose hp and might be forced to go and heal during time you could spend farming.

3. think about what hero and what role you should play. a wl lich maiden doesnt need any items or farm. leave it to heros like naix spectre terrorblade that cant do anything without items.

5. keep an eye on the map even the best players might forget to call a missing and its easy to see the hero dots on the map.

6. know the map, like juke spots, ramps, ward spots and the short routes to base.

7. know all heros in the game and the skills. this might sound hard but its just something you get used to. have you never played heros like syllabear or alchimist. try them atleast one game and get to know them. know your enemy will give you an edge.

now this got alot longer then i had planned. if anyone dissagree or have some more tips and trix i will be happy to edit and add tips

28-06-2009, 07:13 PM

good idea to give some basic tipps for new guys. I tryed the same with my cm thread.

Just the first point it is not ture. U should creep block cause u can pull hard if creeps get killed by tower and camps are usally not blocked. (only in high skilled games) And even if u not pull and u can stun after first wave is dead u got creep advantage.
But still there are 5 players in game. 3 block 2 check runes xD or u go with 4 for 1 rune and kill the rune checker of the other team. (8-

8. always take at least 1 tp with u and port if u see u can help a m8t.

9. wait for m8ts and only rambo if u are very experienced and if u see a team m8t rambo let him die and donĀ“t help him.

10. never forget that dota is a team game.

11. always fight downhill (stay uphill).

12. try to hide in shadows while u cd your spells (for caster).

13. only by dagon for the hero na (for the other heros there are always better team items).

28-06-2009, 10:26 PM
13. very situational, tiny/witchdoc/puck etc can own with dagon just as much as na can.

14. if you play a support hero and are asked to get wards, but dont know how to use them buy them and drop em in ur base and look where a more experienced player places them.

15. If you play with a jungler ALWAYS ward, if his farm is delayed by a gang it can criple a team.

16. Dont run a chicken to ur lane with the items from a other sidelane hero, the chance it gets killed is low but still its anoying if he has to get wait for it to return. A way to prevent this is by calling you use the chicken.

17. If you play with pubs dont play cm or cd modes, as any strategy will get messed up anyways.

18. Always be polite to GM's and ask why certain desicions are made before whining about them.

19. Remember its a game so keep it enjoyable for all.

29-06-2009, 03:10 AM
20. try looking at some pro replays if you ever have the time. it gives you a nice idea of how a team should play.

21. learn the most common and well known item builds http://www.garena.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=196 here are some goopd guides that might be a little old but gives you a good idea of how to play. i strongly sugest "play dota like the pros" part 1, 2 and 3 if you are new to dota.

22. dont read into tips here to much since most things are situational, play alot of dota and you will get a sense for it all.

23. get friends and build trust! when i started playing dota i played with some friends i had played a diffrent map with and that gave me a confidence that i allways had support.

21-07-2009, 03:29 PM
24. When an enemy hero returns after missing for a while (back to base, runecheck etc.) allways check his inventory so you wont get surprised by new items or bottled runes.

25. Check your opponents manapool once in a while so you can anticipate his damage output in upcoming fights or simply for lane harassing.

26. Dont EVER care for the statistics after the game as they will most likely only reflect your playstyle, not your skill level. They are for Warcraft 3 and DotA is not Warcraft 3.

27. Never be afraid of people with a reputation of being a good player. Respect them, but do not fear anybody. Confidence and mindgames are one of the biggest factors in DotA and your opponent will happily exploit every weakness you show him. This does not mean that you should be arrogant, you can learn new things from allmost every game you play, especially if you are playing with better players than you are.

28. If you are getting flamed by stronger players, they may have a reason. Still, remind them to state their comments in a mannered way and if they refuse, ignore them but still play to the best of your ability. Sooner or later you will see that there is a big difference between the know-it-all wannabe-pros and the really good players.

29. A win is a win and a loss is a loss. You dont need to farm like a madman if your team allready has a big enough advantage to end the game. You can push and end it. When people say "Im just getting my butterfly, w8 for me to farm a little more.", they dont have a clue of any strategy game. This will be the people that want to get 3 Queens in chess or massexpand in RTS games while you are still contained in your base, the people that farm Roshan when the rest of the team is taking down the last Barrack etc. Sadly, you will find yourself in the situation that you have to wait for them to end your game. I repeat, these people have no clue about strategy games in general, they mostly played WoW and think a win is worth more because they went from unstoppable to godlike. Look at is as a weakness and dont do the same.

22-07-2009, 12:47 AM
i dont want to add something but say, that this is one of the best threads here

realy nice ty guys

22-07-2009, 01:47 AM
At 29: If ur carry or initiator needs a bit more farm it can be accepted ;)

For example if ES needs 200 gold more for ref its worth waiting =) Or ur SF needs 400 gold for Butter/Buriza or w/e it could be then u can afford to wait tbh unless all of ur opponents are dead (or 3-4 of them) and u can push ftw :) IMO ^_^

30. When being chased or chasing always have a plan of how to escape, juke or stun/slow and run uphill and hide, and for gods sake dont PANIC! As mentioned earlier I think, learn the most common juke spots it will benefit u many times :)

23-07-2009, 02:37 PM
31. Time is a valuable ressource, maybe the most valuable in DotA (thats why chronosphere is such a strong ulti and disablers are powerful heroes). In every game, there will be certain windows of opportunity where you should engage in teamfights, push, gank or just withdraw. Knowing when to do what comes with experience, do not be frustrated if you misscalculated things, but rather ask yourself what you did wrong and why your plan didnt work. If you are unsure, LISTEN to more experienced teammates as they will most likely know when to do what. You will be surprised how easily you will achieve your goals if you picked the right time to do so and your teammates will write: GJ (= good job).

32. There are different approaches and philosophies in DotA. While some teams like a gank-oriented playstyle, others like to go to lategame and unleash the full potential of their carries upon their foes. People will allways disagree about these things and thats ok, because it shows the variety of the game and the fact that it constantly evolves. Dont have prejudices because people like to play more in a certain style that doesnt fit yours as well as others, but rather try to adapt and grow... the more you embrace this new knowledge, the more you will see the weaknesses and strengths of your own.

33. The guys getting the most spotlight and "fame" from your opponents and the community will most likely be the carry heroes of your team. Dont bother with them, the teammates you were babysitting as supporter and saving from ganks by warding around his lane will know that you had a big part in your teams victory. Here is the decision you must make: is it more important to you to play as a part of your team by helping out or to have the recognition of many people that mostly have no real idea of the metagame.

34. Dont loose your focus. This is a mistake I made (and maybe still make, hopefully Im able to overcome this asap) many times and why I dont consider myself to be a good player. You play really good during one time of the game, lay back after that and dont play up to your standard the rest of the game or even miserably fail. I know its hard to keep concentrated for more that one hour, believe me, and I got flamed time and time again for doing stupid things which absolutely served me right. Dont do the same mistake, Im working on this too and believe I can show constantly good perfomances, if I put a little more effort in it. :)

35. This is the most important thing in my opinion: HAVE FUN. If you dont you will eventually get bored by any game and not be intersted in evolving, but rather stay on the same level and be one of many many many players that think they are good enough and they reached their peak. To be honest, I dont know any player that I could say he couldnt get better (this applies for the public newbie the same as it does for EG-players, which won the farm4fame tournament a while ago and are considered to be the top of the world).

@Meathead: No, it is not acceptable! You can get your 200 gold with a simple fissure (I assume its a later stage of the game, because refresher would be senseless without mana-items to support it and the dagger you allready should have) while pushing or destroying one tower. Thats no reason to leave a push. Same with SF, use Shadowraze and ask your team to give you the creepwave, your crow should be ready to burst out the base... this should not delay your push by more than 5-10 seconds or possibly not at all.

PS: As you might have noticed, I am kind of bored right now so I dont see a reason to not sit in the sun, nipping on my soda and writing smartass comments on this forum. ;D

23-07-2009, 03:24 PM
at 31. if i may add you should allways consider what the other team can do in a team fight. if they have a lich try to get him before he ultis but if he allready threw it out dont bother with him because he is nothing try to focus the heros with one ulti that could turn the tide of the battle and then focus down the hard carrys.