View Full Version : Your league and admins

09-08-2009, 11:42 PM
Hello Dotarankers,

I'm banned from this league because Sir-Rogers said I have no manners. I'm not here to appeal my ban or anything, I'm just here to say some things about this league. I got banned because I told him that Mr.Dzem, Mr.Grimm from team kokots (that got disqualified) aren't same people with tags ^WP that he disqualified. That sentence is offending and badmannered because of... I don't know, ask your head admin.

Anyway... You're calling this a league? Let me tell you something, you have no vouch requests, no requirements no nothing, and then you feel free to ban people u don't like. Every single pubber got into this, and this is a shame for eurobattle server. You got banned? No problem, It takes 3 minutes to create new account and join Dotarank. When I asked Tyr why aren't there vouch requests on forum he said - ''Go play somewhere else''. And then when I asked him is this a place to help beginners to learn dota basics etc, he said No. What is this then? A place where noobs gather?

I've stomped 45 out of 50 games here with scores like 15-2, 18-0 and so on. Good that you implemented FF command, so that whiners that can't stand a loss can forfeit the game at 25 minute mark, of course with 20 or so announcements ''You cannot forfeit before 30 minutes'' before that. Bfury centaurs, mask of death vengefuls, orchid beastmasters, vanguard tides, basher slardars... There's no kind of noob item build I didn't see here. The hell, I just stomped your admin Tyr's team yesterday, they were a shame, and I was playing with some random friends. I didn't play with Sir-Rogers yet, but I wouldn't expect anything better.

Our team won 2 rounds in 50 minutes here. Every game was a 25 min FF on this tournament, first game we had a score of 50-7 i think, isn't It a shame? Then we get disqualified because someone said Bublyfuck played in our team and those pubbers that forfeited a game in 25 minutes and barely had 2 bracers go forward. Jealousy is good here i guess.

Don't You care that your league is called ''Pubrank'' among 75% of the players that know for It? You don't care for noobs, idiots, poor hosting commands, low skill and still you make a client and what-not? Why are you doing this then, if you won't set any rules? It's like a pub in private, that people just can't leave. To be honest, when i heard Sir-Rogers say that tour finals are going to be streamed, I was an inch away from asking - ''Who wants to watch a streamed pub, really?''
As one guy already said - ''When DPL and SS bots come back online, this is going to be a gathering of pubbers''

Too bad you don't accept higher skilled players here, you insist on spreading ''noobness'' along the server and league. Every game I joined was one-sided stomp, nothing else. I'm getting tired of stomping whole teams with GONDAR, isn't something wrong there? Anyway, I won't play here anymore since I consider this a shame for this server, as well as admins who lead this league. Have fun ruining your skill and losing nerves with pubbers, flamers, game-ruiners, bad bots and so on.
And have fun until real leagues come back, since u will lose 95% of better players, and everything left will be pub.

At least I know I won't be coming back here. Or maybe I will if i feel like stomping one day, hey it takes only 3 minutes to create a new account.

Best regards :>

10-08-2009, 12:01 AM
Rage mode on. ;D

10-08-2009, 12:01 AM
I read your first sentences, dont need to look up the rest.
This is no league.

Maybe I find someday time to read the rest, but I would've to be really really bored to look at such stuff by someone I told yesterday (!) repeatingly that DotARank stands most and first of all for Manners (which you lack, I guess) and nothing else. Not pure skill. Stop bothering us and go play some league, this is none.

Sir Rogers
10-08-2009, 12:02 AM
Sure let's have a discussion. First of all I'd like to say that this topic is entirely about the purpose of dotarank and I will delete any posts complainits or discussion about the tournament.

Firstly it's not a "league"; we're a community. Secondly it's about manners not skill. Everyone is welcome in the public games, everyone should have the priviledge to be allowed to play DotA. Now funnily enough the higher skilled games, our inhouse games, are games you don't have access to because you behave in an unmannered way and you would not fit in. Just as an example, the winners of the last tour, Q sQuad was a team consisting of players that are allowed into inhouse games. They display an excellent amount of manners and sportsmanship aswell as skill.

Also it would be good if you could explain in more detail what's about about the hosting commands and the bot? Although your post is highly insulting and not very constructive I do believe in the freedom of speech and I'll give you the chance to explain yourself.

Sir Rogers

10-08-2009, 12:16 AM
Understanding is the first step:

As Tyr/Rog said, this is not a league. Face the fact: at the moment this is public playing. It is a system similar to SIG games, only that we have someone who develops a stand alone program to provide better support and a good platform to play/chat.

A league, divisions or even a competetive sections may be included if there is a necessity and the time to develope that.

If you can pubstomp us here, you may try to get into league which is not a beta project.

i think no one has the illusion here that we are a big skilled community who play here. We are developing, but we know what we do not want at the moment. Guys like you.

10-08-2009, 12:44 AM
Imo ban Juice, he flamed my mother yesterday, cigos manners > his.

<3 Shomi

Ok, now I understand that Dotarank is a community. Still, if It's a community it should be closed community then consisted out of people that know each other, like DCE on North where i played (it's partly a league too)

Now funnily enough the higher skilled games, our inhouse games, are games you don't have access to because you behave in an unmannered way and you would not fit in.

I already said I played against Tyr's team if that's what's considered an inhouse game. On the other side, in another inhouse game we got stomped because we had a 5-17 zeus in team or so, some unknown guy. I realise it is about manners, but I don't really have the nerves to lose 60 minutes of my time in an un-even game because i get a beginner in my team. I'm not really a kind of person that is motivated to teach other people dota, so that's what you may find insulting/unmannered.

I read your first sentences, dont need to look up the rest.
This is no league.

In my post it clearly says that i understand it's not CALLED a league because you said it isn't, you just didn't say what it is. There's not much difference between league and community, i don't know why so many of u stress on that point. A league is a sort of a community anyway.

Also it would be good if you could explain in more detail what's about about the hosting commands and the bot?

There are very few people who have access on bots. Countless of times I had a situation of some guy that has no idea sit on captain position in -cm games, type !ready and refuse to move. Then people from his team leave, bot is busy unable to host other games, and there's nothing anybody can do about it. 10 people typing ready is bad too, you joined a game, of course you are going to be ready. If I'm not ready for some games, i say so in chat and let some other guy be a captain, or go to lower slots in -rd so i can do what i want. No swap command means there is lot of rejoining, again timewaste. !ff command is silly and not fun. Every game is finished at 25 min mark, some people FF even before their barracks are down. They never learn to play if they whine and FF every game, since there is always a chance for a comeback. Also, if i was in woods for 20 minutes brainlessly farming those neutrals with my Syllabear because that's my role, can't i at least get some kills before it's finished. Nope, FF at the sight of my items with whining. You need to open more slots for admin positions

Secondly it's about manners not skill.

In dota, I see skill over manners. Why do I care if some random guy over internet knows how to behave, if he has no clue how to play? We're here to enjoy and play the game, not for the chat with random people, aren't we?

Sir Rogers
10-08-2009, 01:00 AM
like DCE on North where i played (it's partly a league too)

I played in DCE aswell before creating DotArank and it's clearly not a league, you seem to be using that term a bit too freely.

There are very few people who have access on bots. Countless of times I had a situation of some guy that has no idea sit on captain position in -cm games, type !ready and refuse to move. Then people from his team leave, bot is busy unable to host other games, and there's nothing anybody can do about it. 10 people typing ready is bad too, you joined a game, of course you are going to be ready. If I'm not ready for some games, i say so in chat and let some other guy be a captain, or go to lower slots in -rd so i can do what i want. No swap command means there is lot of rejoining, again timewaste. !ff command is silly and not fun. Every game is finished at 25 min mark, some people FF even before their barracks are down. They never learn to play if they whine and FF every game, since there is always a chance for a comeback. Also, if i was in woods for 20 minutes brainlessly farming those neutrals with my Syllabear because that's my role, can't i at least get some kills before it's finished. Nope, FF at the sight of my items with whining. You need to open more slots for admin positions

Well I'd like to thank you for this. You've clearly outlined some problems which are indeed true. Yes I know that I haven't finished coding the bot properly to its whole glory. This is because I've moved on and started coding on the client to ensure that people can have reliable games.

I am planning to fix some of these issues, like implementing a !swapme command for normal users and the team balancing algorithm is definately work in progress.

In dota, I see skill over manners. Why do I care if some random guy over internet knows how to behave, if he has no clue how to play? We're here to enjoy and play the game, not for the chat with random people, aren't we?

Actually DotArank used to be a very small community on Northrend and most of those people made the move to Eurobattle. The problem I see is that you're trying to judge something you have never fully experienced. You haven't seen the inhouse games of the people that have known each other for a while. The reason for this is simple: you have demonstrated anti-social behaviour and were therefore not accepted into the inner social circles in dotarank, also known as inhouse games. True you may have seen some because GMs give new players a chance to prove that they are mannered and have a certain level of skill. Most people from Northrend play in inhouse games and with their friends. I personally enjoy talking to people I've met over DotArank, it's not just about playing the game, it's about making new friends and having fun.

You have spent too much time trying to get better at the game that you have forgot what it is all about in the first place: to have fun and make new friends. We do not encourage hardcore gaming, we encourage social & friendly gaming. You were most probably talking a lot of foreign language with your friends because you came to DotArank on Eurobattle as a part of your social group which doesn't want to speak English and enjoys to flame other players. You were then immediately rejected by the core DotArank players and left with the other people from Eurobattle to play in the normal DotArank sign games.

If you had taken the time and effort to try and integrate into this new community instead of trying to compare it to what you already know (SS, dpl) then you might've experienced a different side of things and you might've evolved as a person and we would never have this discussion. Funny, isn't it?

Sir Rogers

10-08-2009, 01:03 AM
The problem is not DotARank and its status. The problem is you. You try to see in DotARank something what you can't have at the moment, since SS/DPL are down and you have i-neither-know-nor-care what reason to avoid any other league.

Do you think we should bascially change DR just cause YOU value skill higher than manners? This sounds simply mentally hit, nothing else.
Sorry if I dont bother writing as much as you do, but since all your discussions are always based on the same bullshit (that you dont want to accept certain facts about this community) I dont need to go deeper into the details.

You simply dont fit in this place, go play somewhere else, at a place where manners are not important, skill is everything and you can pubstomp with stacked teams as you wish.

10-08-2009, 01:08 AM
So true Tyr), eyerything you chalk up is what this community stands for, friendly atmosphere and a place for beginners to become better. When you want to have competition where manners dont play a role go ss games or dota league and dont bother us with things we wont change anyway. Have a good time wherever but not here.

P.S.: As Sir Rogers got a real life too, he dont have the time to work on the bot 24/7 so if some certain things arent perfect yet....ok but please show some patience to it and be happy what Rogers managed to do so far! Dotarank for life!

10-08-2009, 01:17 AM
In dota, I see skill over manners. Why do I care if some random guy over internet knows how to behave, if he has no clue how to play? We're here to enjoy and play the game, not for the chat with random people, aren't we?

I know many guys who dislike rules that enforce a certain gameplay (including myself).
Let's take a loot at dota-league VIP: You have to play at a certain level or else you can get a note. This may sound fine at first, but the randomness at which notes are given out and the pressure to play good each game doesnt fit every player. Concerning randomness: I once played a game as zeus and got a note because the whole team went for carrys and nobody wanted to gank and all I could do in the lategame was feed the enemy.

The more "skill" you need for a league the less you get removed because you lack "skill". 9/10 notes (to get back to dota-league) are given out of revenge because the losing team just needs a scapegoat.

P.S.: I made the same experience with IDEC2 and Pickup VIP, especially IDEC2 was seriously fucked up. Nice games with really annoying people.

10-08-2009, 03:35 AM
Well, lets be fair, inhouse player or not, nobody likes a Mask of Death Zeus. But I now quote a player even you might respect for his imbabbqskillz, namely Ks.int^Kuroky, who was asked how he copes with guys playing on a lesser level than him and even loosing him some games. His answer was "I just play to the best of my ability, theres no reason to flame others because they are not a good as you.". This guy is 16 or 17 now I think, has a lot more skill than you do AND is obviously a lot smarter with a higher standard of manners. Think about it.

So you gotta ask yourself, my friend, what is more important for you. Either winning every single game against pubbers that just want to play a leaverfree game? -we must agree that the many Dotarank sign games are close to pub level- WOW, you stomped a pub, you are sooooo good, should we admire you for going 15-2 against guys that have no clue of DotA? Or is it more important for you, to show that you are a mature person that uses its head and doesnt spill rage just about everywhere because you are annoyed by someone playing bad or not they way you would play. If you go for the first option, you should not join DotArank games anymore, because you wont get what you want until you have prooven yourself; you wont get recognition, you wont get into inhouses with higher skilled players and you certainly wont be happy here. If you choose that second option, people will start to like you, especially if you are a highskilled player. You will get recognition, you will play inhouses... I cant promise you will be happy, but you will have a lot more fun and competition.

A simple question: have you ever played potm as semi-support crow and wardbitch instead of the usual semi-carry dps build? Id just like to know, because I honestly couldnt imagine a guy like you not wanting to get omfg-im-so-imba stats. Please answer me. :)

10-08-2009, 05:21 AM
This is all about wrong expectations and totally blown up egocentricity.
You come to Dotarank expecting it to fit you and don't even try to get a feeling for what Dotarank really is. Then you're annoyed because your expectations were wrong and instead of trying to listen to the people here, trying to integrate, trying to understand what this community is about, you annoy everyone that happens to cross you, totally reject the community and go open a thread on the forums, telling us that you're better, we suck, you just wanted to tell us this because now you're off for good and maybe we could learn something looking at your pure divine apparition.
Good job proving that your ability for empathy is nonexistant.

10-08-2009, 12:22 PM
Rqd.Juice.. or whatever can u pls answer me are u from Serbia ??Or dont I already know.

Rogers ,Tyr and others ,guys dont take so serious those guys i meen rly they are most from Serbia and they are just retarded kidos (im sorry 4 insulting normal ppl from Serbia) .I know that coz im also Serb ,u need to see their chat ,its just ROFL.U need to understand Serbian if u want to know what they extectly wrote/says .Mass trash talk ,flames and etc..Ah and all of them have 1 same opinion IM THE BEST PLAYER OF THIS GAME EVER ,AND I MEEN EVER!!!Im just siting in the dark and listen what they are chating ,looiking their replays ,u guys cant imagine how they are retarded.Also they dont have any respect 4 no1 ,oponents or teamm8s its nvm ,its just same thing.They call us (admins) and our comunity shit place ,pubrank and retarded kids?!I meen wtf go and play ur league be the best dota player in the world,but pls leave us alone ,why u even need to send posts like this here ?!Need to say 1 exmpl,I said to player X pls keep ur manner up ,and he said at Serbian ofc ''marlboro are u want of me to fuck ur mother mby,go and suck my dick u idiot'' that is ofc soft version !That was 1 SKILLFULL(SS DPL) player!Ah that was just by the way flame !?

P.S. its rly pointless to have any type of discusion with ''those'' ppl


10-08-2009, 01:14 PM
Ok.i didnt want to get in to this discusion ,but this is ridiculous,guys from Serbia retarded kids?lol dude,do u see what are admins on dotarank doing?solving personal problems over bnet,their rl sux prolly,and they are trying to create their virtual world where they are godz,anyway who are u to improve my manner?my parents?main reason for so many pubbers in this channel is the thing that 1 month ago there were 10 ppl max on dotarank daily,and who would want to waste time being admin on channel with 10 ppl?ofc u gather ppl by telling shits about manners above skill so dotarank became what it is now-pub channel.
Yesterday i got disqualifed becouse some of players from team we stomped in 25 min told rogers that we have some guy Bublyfuck in team?w/o proofs ofc,if i tell u i can fly,u would believe me?But ofc tour wouldnt be interesting with every game ff 25 min...
Have fun in playing on dotarank with pubers when bots on dpl/ss are back....

10-08-2009, 02:12 PM
i meen rly they are most from Serbia and they are just retarded kidos
[/quote]Moderator Manners wtf !!!

Im sry 4 bad words , but sadly that is true and u cant denie that..(note: i meen most of them who play's DR atm are retarded kids from Serbia) p.s. read continue botom..

@ Kokot

I said im sry 4 insulting normal ppl from Serbia( i love my country ffs SERBIA FTW!).Bout admins who play godz ,dont know mby u are in right 4 that (4 few of them at least),but dont go that deep ,we are just trying to have some qulity time here (have fun ,chat with some random guys via internet w/o using bad words)so no1 want to change ur manner or smth like that.But anyway its rly simple u fit here or not,if u dont like players,games or admins just dont play here , its rly simple.

10-08-2009, 02:43 PM
Yea i know that,but isn't it nonsence to ban some good player becouse he told some complete noob,0:17 score ,,fuckin noob",or for example i toldl some guy on begining to buy chicken 10 times and he go buy boots+3 tango cm,after that he reported me becouse i told him that hes complete noob....i understand this is pub channel ,but there is no reason for good players to be banned becouse some guys doesnt accept the fact that they are noobs,instead of listening advices of more expirienced players they go report and good players get banned....
I know that Serbs are sometimes tempered but everyone has his bad day ,or in bad mood in that moment+when someone completely ruins his game with 0:20 score ,ofc that will result with ,,flaming".
And i think ur criterium for manners is just too big ,but anyway that was only my opinion...
Channel and client organization is imba ,but there are still lot of things to do to improve this channel....

Sir Rogers
10-08-2009, 03:27 PM
Being good and flaming are two very different things. The difference in skill level between different players cannot be used as an excuse for flaming, that's totally ridicilous.

Besides there's this thing called sportsmanship. I'm pretty sure you all had sports at school and I don't know how many of you played in a school team and went away to play against other schools. However it was a given expectation that the reputation of the school was always to be kept high when playing at home or at another location.

We were educated that being mannered and showing respect to your opponents is much more important than actually winning or losing the game, becaue you leave a good impression of yourself. How many times have you seen professional gamers flame other players in a tournament or insult the losing team?

Skill, sportsmanship, manners or whatever else you want to bring to the table. They all have one thing in common: they each have their specific small part in creating an enjoyable experience.

10-08-2009, 03:34 PM
Well yeah, its annoying to play with noobs, BUT u were also a massive noob once, just like the rest of us. And I rly enjoyed when some of the better players (and I still do) were kind to me even though I sucked hard.

Imagine if u got into IDEC, u would prolly not be no way near as good as them, but imagine if they also flamed u etc, would that be nice...?

Imo, DotArank is the best community I've been in, and doing vouch requests etc is just like telling DCE to stop having Test Games...

10-08-2009, 04:19 PM
Besides there's this thing called sportsmanship. I'm pretty sure you all had sports at school and I don't know how many of you played in a school team and went away to play against other schools
Ofc i wanted to go and play with other schools ,in some sports i played some not,never went to principle to report my proffesor,and tell him ,,he told me im not talented enough"noone wants to accept complete retards in team,no matter what sport it is,and looosers are alwaus the ones to be laughed at,the thing is some accept that some dont..
I know that this is channel for all players,but some players doesnt deserve to get their pressure high after every game becouse of some guy...

The difference in skill level between different players cannot be used as an excuse for flaming, that's totally ridicilous.
Ofc thats excuse for flaming,theres is no other reason to flame over the internet except trying to show that u are better than someone,mostly its about skill,but flaming wouldnt be nessesary if lower skilled players just listen to their cap or better players,but no ,they feed,argue,ruin game ,and at the end report.

Well yeah, its annoying to play with noobs, BUT u were also a massive noob once, just like the rest of us.
Ofc i was mega noob once,but i alwaus accepted the fact that im noob,i listened to advices of better players,watched some replays,and became decent player.And i never joined better games hoping to learn something by just playing with good players,u have to watch,listen and then learn,not just ruining games,provoking and reporting..

Sir Rogers
10-08-2009, 06:44 PM
I removed some comments that weren't needed.

10-08-2009, 07:45 PM
[Ofc i was mega noob once,but i alwaus accepted the fact that im noob,i listened to advices of better players,watched some replays,and became decent player.And i never joined better games hoping to learn something by just playing with good players,u have to watch,listen and then learn,not just ruining games,provoking and reporting..]

In order to become better u cannot settle with replays... U have to play :P Anyway, we got our different perspectives on somethings but nvm =)

10-08-2009, 09:12 PM
There are some things to explain. SS and DPL leagues exist on this server for a long time, way longer than dotarank, and I have good friends with whom I play from both of these leagues.

You have spent too much time trying to get better at the game that you have forgot what it is all about in the first place: to have fun and make new friends. We do not encourage hardcore gaming, we encourage social & friendly gaming. You were most probably talking a lot of foreign language with your friends because you came to DotArank on Eurobattle as a part of your social group which doesn't want to speak English and enjoys to flame other players. You were then immediately rejected by the core DotArank players and left with the other people from Eurobattle to play in the normal DotArank sign games.

Fine. I didn't forget to make new friends and have fun, actually I had friends when I came here. I even met one of them IRL, just so to speak. Why would I care much about people with way lower skill level, if I already got friends with high skill who I know for a couple of years already and I can chat/play/have fun with them, qand also RL friends. It's like Merlini coming to DPL league and stomping games. Would he care about the low skill league (for him) where he could play from time to time (stomp it), when he has friends with high skill who he plays, chats, talks on vent and has fun with? Well no he wouldn't. That's why you have social groups in school. People who listen to heavy metal don't hang out with people who listen to rap, nor they care about them so much. People who play basketball every day don't hang out with people who play DotA whole day, etc. People from higher skilled leagues have their friends there already, and feel no need to make friends in dotarank. Maybe you're all people bringing too much emotions into this.

Well yeah, its annoying to play with noobs, BUT u were also a massive noob once, just like the rest of us. And I rly enjoyed when some of the better players (and I still do) were kind to me even though I sucked hard.

Imagine if u got into IDEC, u would prolly not be no way near as good as them, but imagine if they also flamed u etc, would that be nice...?

Yes, everyone was a noob once. You think I wasn't flamed when I first got into SS? U think warding and having 40 creeps for the whole game didn't start coming out of my nose because that's what I did every game, for 2 months. If I got into IDEC and failed, they've got the right to flame me. Hey, I ruined their game and wasted their time, what am I doing there if my skill isn't sufficient? But people here don't realise they're bad and ruining games, they only know for report function and to type !ready.

Rogers ,Tyr and others ,guys dont take so serious those guys i meen rly they are most from Serbia and they are just retarded kidos (im sorry 4 insulting normal ppl from Serbia) .I know that coz im also Serb ,u need to see their chat ,its just ROFL.U need to understand Serbian if u want to know what they extectly wrote/says .Mass trash talk ,flames and etc..Ah and all of them have 1 same opinion IM THE BEST PLAYER OF THIS GAME EVER ,AND I MEEN EVER!!!Im just siting in the dark and listen what they are chating ,looiking their replays ,u guys cant imagine how they are retarded.Also they dont have any respect 4 no1 ,oponents or teamm8s its nvm ,its just same thing.They call us (admins) and our comunity shit place ,pubrank and retarded kids?!I meen wtf go and play ur league be the best dota player in the world,but pls leave us alone ,why u even need to send posts like this here ?!Need to say 1 exmpl,I said to player X pls keep ur manner up ,and he said at Serbian ofc ''marlboro are u want of me to fuck ur mother mby,go and suck my dick u idiot'' that is ofc soft version !That was 1 SKILLFULL(SS DPL) player!Ah that was just by the way flame !?

Maybe this is true to a point. Serbian people are full of themselves usually, that's what I know cuz I live there, don't you know that too? Although I don't have a lot of patience, I don't flame hard ever. I maybe tell somebody that he is a noob/retard, but nothing else, and you know how hard flames can get. Didn't kids from your class laugh at you if you couldn't score a goal from 2 meters distance? Yeah well this is something similar.

What surprised me here is how Sir-Rogers calmly and tolerantly talks with someone who flamed his league and opened a topic like this. You truly are mannered and deserve an admin position, I don't know any admin on XPAM that would show so much understanding and the need to discuss the topic closely, they would just close it. Thank you for this.

10-08-2009, 10:35 PM
Kokot & Juice ,so guys i see now that u can talk/chat like normal persons ,imo just get ur tolerance a bit top and u will find that DR is rly cool place to have some fun playing DOTA..Dont go with atitude ffs omfg that retarded noob , just take it easy ,when u get to know ppl here u will see that isnt so bad,we have here great players ,fun games etc...just stick to rules and give it a chance ,nothing more or less ....at the end if u dont like our rules ,games,comunity u can always leave us its np...


10-08-2009, 11:38 PM
word, good we have a peacful ending now.

Sir Rogers
11-08-2009, 01:26 AM
Right I guess it's time to end this discussion. There are a few things I will leave you that you can think about.

I don't think I need to restate everything I've said about skill, sportsmanship and manners. I believe I have made myself clear.
DotArank games are not meant to be competitive, they're meant to be fun and relaxing and sure "fun" is defined differently in different parts of the world or by different people. Here at DotArank we are a community and fun is defined as playing an enjoyable game without leavers, flamers or other kinds of game ruiners.
If this does not correspond to the definition you have for "fun" then you should be looking for another place where you can get that kind of satisfaction.

That being said I believe that you are looking for a challenge, games against opponents with a skill level that is equal to yours. However a place like IDEC is not within your reach and the other places where you used to fit in like SS are currently out of order. So you're looking for a replacement and you're trying to transform this into what you want it to be, which is not going to happen.

Now believe me I want to have really high skilled games and very interesting tournaments, I am planning to build a competitive scene which will be different from the casual games. It will be a place where people can have their high skilled games and whatnot you are looking for. However as long as I am running this place, the competitive scene, the tournaments and everything else that exists now or will exist in the future will require a decent standard of manners. The administration reserves the right to disqualify any team from competitive events and/or to ban any players from this community that oppose to the standard of manners, sportsmanship and general behaviour that we are setting here. And that, gentlemen, is the bottom line.

Sir Rogers