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View Full Version : Batrider Discussion

20-08-2009, 09:23 PM
The Batrider

http://www.playdota.com/img/site/strength.jpg:23 (+2.0)

http://www.playdota.com/img/site/agility.jpg:15 (+1.5)

http://www.playdota.com/img/site/intelligence-c.jpg:24 (+2.5)


http://www.playdota.com/img/hero/117/skill-0.jpg Sticky Napalm
Targets an area and drenches it in very sticky oil. Amplifies any fire damage and slows the movement speed
and turn rate of units in that area. Extra casts of this on the same targets stack up to 10 times.

http://www.playdota.com/img/hero/117/skill-1.jpg Flame Break
Hurls a highly explosive cocktail of dangerous chemicals at the target position. Upon impacting with an
enemy the missile explodes, dealing damage and knocking all nearby foes away from the impact. Any unit
who has been Napalmed will take additional damage from the

http://www.playdota.com/img/hero/117/skill-2.jpg Firefly
Flies high leaving a burning trail behind. Enemies who dare follow will get burned by the fiery napalm. Nothing
can take the skies from him. Lasts 15 seconds.

http://www.playdota.com/img/hero/117/skill-3.jpg Flaming Lasse
Snags a target with a constricting lasso, allowing the Batrider to drag them behind him as he moves. Does
not drag units onto impassable terrain. Teleporting or blinking will break the lasso.


i wil add cds and effects later.
But why i post this is : i havent seen a good bat by now but competive sites and ppl like him
his skills and basedmg seem very nice in theory but i was always scared to try him seriously
So he seems like a ganker and semi carry to me but what items make him crazy and what is he able to counter?
I would get 2 bracers and a force staff mb pb? Seen ppl say dagger first is teh shice
Is it better to napalm/firefly or skill flame break with firefly?
Drag clashes to cliffs and pick out single heros?
Any good allies to lane with?
Is he one of the rare nominees for a dagon?

and i havent found any nice replay of a bat 8(

offtopic: since mymym.com was gone (and now soon back?!wtf) i couldnt find any meepo replays from RiTTer playing him -
can anyone help me here?

20-08-2009, 09:33 PM
Try gosugamers.net
Jolie plays a nice bat :)
and his dmg/stats are really nice, only thing i dont like is his low range. But firefly is just too imba, free radiance there at lvl 7 if your movement is proper.
Imo he is a nice pipe+forcestaff user.
And he lanes nice with any disabler/carry as he can max firefly/slow depending on the situation.
He gets totally dominated by for example a viper though.

25-08-2009, 06:16 AM
try magicwand/dagger+pts/hood/hot last item hex.

25-08-2009, 11:57 AM
b- ]
try magicwand/dagger+pts/hood/hot last item hex.

he is no carry, and is strongest early/mid, so its a total waste if you let him farm all that.
just get your boots/helmofironwill/planeswalkercloak and harras with firefly/slow

25-08-2009, 01:21 PM

Here you have a good bat. It also shows his best build - bottle is a must, dagger is a very nice item (with his ulti he is a great initiator), at least to blink if you are stuck in an impassable terrain. :P
After a bottle and 2 bracers I usually rush to BoT and then to dagger, in case of a low farm I go with eul's.
If the enemy has many nukers bat should have a pipe as he's more of a supporter than a carry.

25-08-2009, 02:47 PM
I really like Bat coz of the things you allready said which makes him very strong. If you want to see a very good Bat-Player watch a replay from Ks.Int against TeG. Jolie plays him there and imho he does his job awesome.
Itembuild: I always go for an magic stick 1bracer and bottle, boots. With this equip you can easily farm on lane and kill even against a double lane. Later on i go depending on farm very rare times Radi which is awesome with firefly and napalm but you need time to get it. Mostly i try to get a fast dagger and BoT. This is imo the core build. Later you can go, depending on enemies, Hood->pipe or Hex. HoT could be also and option.
I hope i could help you a little bit and show you my point of view on this awesome hero. :)

Regards FrO.oZeN

25-08-2009, 03:09 PM
Maybe read others' posts, I already gave a link to jolie's bat. :P
Moreover "all damage from Batrider's attacks, items and skills is amplified, except for damage from Radiance", so I would say that radiance is very situational and should be considered a luxurious item.

25-08-2009, 05:27 PM
Contrary to popular belief... bats are NOT BLIND!!!!!!!!!

25-08-2009, 05:50 PM
As for the initial build, either Bracers or Nulls, depending on your lane. As for most heroes nowaday, I'd also recommend Stick/Wand.

I go Dagger most of the time too, because of the obvious ulti abuse and the superb escape mechanism firefly combo. If someone should be stupid enough to follow you through the fire, just kill him, if not, Dagger away safely. Because I don't consider him being even a good semicarry, Hex is the second greater item I'd go.

The thing with BoT... well, I like Phase Boots more (before Hex ofc, mb even before the Dagger), allthough some people consider it being overkil because of fireflyl. In my opinion permaphasing is a nice thing and the aditional armor boost for towerdiving is allways welcome. Not to forget, its about 1000g cheaper than and I can't imagine me farming the whole game on different lanes with this hero, he's just too good midgame.

Depending on your opponents Hood is ofc allways a good option that you can upgrade to omfg pipe.

Beware of Napalm spamming vs Magic Stick/Wand carriers, it makes no sense stacking it when you can't kill your opponent because of his full charged Wand.

With getting Radi or some or any other hardcarry items I strongly disagree, you can try it of course, but you will notice that there are other heroes on your team that needed the farm you took from them as you will come out of many teamfights alive, while your team lies down beaten and mb took 2 heroes with them. If you consider yourself being bbq enough to own 1v3 or 1v4 in lategame have fun trying it, next time I go your opponents team because you are obviously too pro for ppl like me. :P

25-08-2009, 07:25 PM
Contrary to popular belief... bats are NOT BLIND!!!!!!!!!

"Although the eyes of most microbat species are small and poorly developed, leading to poor visual acuity, none of them are blind. Vision is used to navigate microbats especially for long distances when beyond the range of echolocation. It has even been discovered that some species are able to detect ultraviolet light. They also have a high quality of sense of smell and hearing. Bats hunt at night to avoid competition with birds, and travel large distances at most 800 km, in their search for food." - that's what Wikipedia has to say about that.

P.S.: Isn't it funny that Batrider's icon is a bat?? It's the same as if Ezalor's icon would be a horse.

26-08-2009, 11:25 AM

A single little brown bat (myotis) can eat up to 1000 mosquitoes in a single hour, and is one of the world's longest-lived mammals for its size, with life spans of almost 40 years.


28-08-2009, 06:10 AM
Microbats lack the claw at the second toe of the forelimb.