View Full Version : Ban Appeal

21-08-2009, 06:25 PM
Eurobattle net
Iluminat_ (nick)
banned few days ago
second appeal

Im really sorry for leaving that game but was frustrated with no teamplay in my team.
1 guy didnt even know how to stun.I was so angry.Not even explaining helped...and as far as i know the rule says ppl that have bad gameplay cant play on dotarank...They get banned and when they improve testgame will be brought to them to see do they meet standings of gameplay...
i really like playing on dotarank and i hope u will grant me the second chance... :((

-This is my second appeal coz my first 1 was really bad spelled and was missing few important informations-

21-08-2009, 07:39 PM
DotARank contains kind of a Newbe-Protection. You can neither report nor ban for any bad gameplay.
You can ban for flaming/behaving like an idiot/ruining a game/leaving voluntarily/etc

What you are talking about, applies only for Inhouses, which have an own Banlist and a certain requirement of basic skill.

Appeal looks fine for me, though.

21-08-2009, 08:21 PM
You have my support, I watched the replay and.. 3 towers in the base were destroyed when he left, completely outplayed, no fun from game. I think illuminat_ should get another chance as what he did, did not ruin completely other player's game... as it was already lost and one player of their team was already banned.

21-08-2009, 08:36 PM
The problem now is, Rogers is on holiday, and i dont think he gave someone the rights for unbanning, so you have to be patient im sorry..

Sir Rogers
22-08-2009, 06:05 PM
I'm kind of present and handled this. Don't let it happen again.

Appeal Granted