View Full Version : [SOLVED] User Abuse : aNuk-

31-08-2011, 07:23 PM
Clan NoL User Abuse ReportAccused Battle.Net account: den kserw..
Your battlet.net Account: lypamai_sygnwmi
Game name: nlxd
Abused rule: leaver use
Time of event: pros to telos tou game
Further details: tpt,apla deite pios usare leaver.

12-09-2011, 04:01 PM
49:11 <aNuk-> 0x19: Select Subgroup: [Grand Magus] 0x00005AA00001238A
49:11 <aNuk-> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -6387.1, Y: -6568.0, flags: 0x0000)
49:12 <aNuk-> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -6880.0, Y: -7136.0, Target: 0x0000681200006896, flags: 0x0000)
49:12 <aNuk-> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -7098.7, Y: -6880.4, flags: 0x0000)

aNuk- banned gia illegal leaver's use

Abuse Solved

Topic Closed