View Full Version : AndyArbeit

04-09-2009, 04:37 PM
Time passed since the ban was issued: around 3-5 days ago

Time since last appeal: first appeal

Reason(s) why you deserver to be unbanned:
i am sorry for telling spasmolyt to shut up. i got really pissed about this guy in my team who started to complain about the shitty lineup i picked, then told me what to do several times and asking in allchat "is this a pub game?" just because we got a good start.
i will behave better next time and listen to what a gm tells me.

i have seen lots of guys flaming harder with gms in a game, i think my ban was not really necessary. i apologize for flaming after the ban though.

have a good day :)

04-09-2009, 05:04 PM
Found it, here (http://dotaparser.com/index.php/replay/view/96677/).
00:17 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" All su cool
15:43 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" Allies su idiot
15:48 Spasmolyt "Bounty Hunter" Allies stop flaming andy
22:48 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" Allies stfu
22:55 Spasmolyt "Bounty Hunter" Allies stop the flaming now
22:57 Spasmolyt "Bounty Hunter" Allies all of you
22:58 Gundalph "Butcher" Allies y
22:58 Spasmolyt "Bounty Hunter" Allies no stfu
22:59 Spasmolyt "Bounty Hunter" Allies no su
23:00 Spasmolyt "Bounty Hunter" Allies no idiot
23:01 Spasmolyt "Bounty Hunter" Allies no nab
23:04 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" Allies mowl spasmolyt
23:29 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" Allies fuck off spasmolyt
23:32 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" Allies retard
24:33 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" All hes a retard, np
26:08 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" Allies fuck off
31:34 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" Allies your talking means shit
36:40 Gundalph "Butcher" Allies serious question. i want serious answer. why uilti on creep?
36:48 AndyArbeit "Crystal Maiden" Allies so you dont get them

Certainly worth a ban, but I think you'll behave better from now on, so I'd give you a chance.

04-09-2009, 06:12 PM
posting a chatlog of only one person with few comments from you is quite senseless. it doesnt show the other guy talking sh** all the time, i wasnt even talking to you most of those lines you posted.
further, i only told you to fuck off AFTER being banned, which you did after "mowl spasmolyt", in my opinion not really needed at that point.

well, thanks for the answer, appreciate you giving me a chance.

04-09-2009, 07:13 PM
I already got complaints from other persons about your ingame behaviour in public games. Your ban from Inhouses and your attitude afterwards (and probably because of) is another point.

Your second post now shows that your ban is no coincidence.
I support a second chance but if you get unbanned I'll have a very close look at you.

04-09-2009, 07:50 PM
tyr, no one ever told me im banned from inhouses so i might not be upset about that. i have no desire to play inhouses, i played few times with some mates against you, where i learned stuff, and i dont know why i should have been banned there. oh and last time we played was like half a year ago maybe!?
well, thanks for the answer :)

30-09-2009, 10:50 PM
hope you learn your lesson and try prevent not to do it again.
