View Full Version : Unban Bucko__ZVER

09-09-2009, 03:20 AM
hello. i was banned for not talking English language in game.
I am sorry about that but i have my reasons why i didnt talk on english.
If i talk to my close friends or to my brother...things that i say on english dont sound so serious as if i say it on our language. The game that we played was with 3 of my serbian friends in same team and that is why i was talking more on our language.
My opinion is that this ban is totaly not in place cuz i didnt use any bad words or swared on the guy that charged me for bad behaviour.
once again i am sorry and i hope for removing my ban soon...thx

09-09-2009, 03:47 AM
and one more thing...Lahmus, you know it wery well that the game we played was wery intence and full of battle spirit...if you didnt noticed we all spoken english when we were talking to you, the rest of the game we cracked jokes and talked about our personal lives with other 2 serbians. If i look it from your angle, you probably felt little bit lonley, but did you ever look from our angle? thing is, i think you overreacted with your ban request...

09-09-2009, 04:11 AM
Being in a game where all your team writes constantly in a language you don't understand is very frustrating. Lots of players will be driven away when all they see in game and channel is Serbian. You just don't feel like you belong there when you're left out of communication.
Enforcing the English only rule is very important imho. Especially when you were told dozens of times that you're supposed to speak English when playing dotarank.
If you need to use Serbian, go Teamspeak / Ventrilo or whisper please. That applies to all ZVERs I've encountered yet by the way.

09-09-2009, 05:14 AM
well, some of ZVER members know very little of english language...for example Alfa and Bragva...they are both good players but they dont speak english very well, and if i speak on serbian with them we get along wery well. if you look at that replay you will see that we all replied on english to guy that whanned to speak on english. do we all need to get banned because we talketd to each other? we all played a good game, and after that we need to get banned just because one person felt lonley? i dont remember that he even tryed to comunicate with us...or tryed to talk anything and not be lonley...i remember just "only english" sentences. and that is not comunicating...that is default ordering.
SO...if we dont deserve our bans to get removed...then he deserves to be banned with us for reason : "Wining and ENJOINING a good game"

09-09-2009, 10:59 AM
so first of all, there is the rule that you only use english language. Even after several warnings you didn't obey this rule, that is why u banned. If u disagree with this rule, feel free to write a something in the general discussion, but ur ban appeal thread is not the right place to discuss it, because some others may have problems with the rule too.
This community is there because the players here want a friendly gameatmosphere, this is what sir-rogers is pointing out quite often. If u close out someone of ur team in case of communication this doesnt create a good gameatmosphere, therefore this rule had been made. I guess your friends know the basics in english, thats all what is needed, if u want to chat with them there is the /w command or even ventrillo.
If u show that u accept that u did something wrong and that u wont do it again, i am sure u will get unbanned pretty fast.

09-09-2009, 03:30 PM
well...i said i am sorry at the wery begining, offcourse it was wrong and i know it.
i will pay more atention about my language in the future, and that ventrilo idea souns good to me.
until that idea comes to work we will use wispers...thank you again for conversation and i hope for unban as soon as posible...i dont whant to miss a party u having without us :)

09-09-2009, 07:16 PM
ive seen many of ur multi accounts.. and dont give me the "i wasent me!" whats the chances that new ___ZVER's shows up the day after u got banned?

09-09-2009, 08:12 PM
lol...and who might you be now? could you please tell me where did i say "it wasn't me" part? non of ZVER members have another __ZVER multiaccount. and i would not bother so much for removing my ban if i would just cr8 another one. And could you please stop talking about ZVER clan as they are bag of garbage...all of us are different and have different playstyles, if you encountered someone that u dont like, that is fine but leave the rest of us alone.

09-09-2009, 08:15 PM
Most of the ZVER ive seen has been reported but w/e il keep out of this case, didnt know ZVER was a clan tho.. theres like 60 more of u?

09-09-2009, 08:22 PM
yes...most of us were reported because of people like just you, people that dont know anything about us but see the __ZVER sign and report for nothing. well...if you whant to know ZVER clan originaly had 6 members Grozni__ZVER , Bucko__ZVER , Alfa__ZVER , Insane__ZVER , Bragva__ZVER and Bojan__ZVER we were all friend from real life and whanned to cr8 our own clan...the rest of the zvers are mostly the fans or some friends of a friends that whanned to come in our clan.
i dont garantee about any other ZVER's profesionality but those i have just written above.

09-09-2009, 08:57 PM
well i think you should deserve a second chance so i support your appeal.

09-09-2009, 08:58 PM
KK, but just so u know ive never reported u, so dont come with the "people like u report us"

09-09-2009, 09:03 PM
It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom.


Prejudice comes from being in the dark; sunlight disinfects it.

09-09-2009, 09:46 PM
i never said you reported anyone Blood, i just said that people who shared same apinnion like yours kept flaming and reporting us for no reason...maybe i am wrong about you and i am sorry if i am...i hope that you are different from those guys.

11-09-2009, 11:56 PM
so...how long should i w8 for releasing me out of the chains that i have got into :D
does anybody support my unban request? or anyone opose?

12-09-2009, 01:00 AM
i support ur unban... good, old school players r getting bans... banning is ok... but those players need to be unbanned...
old school players deserve second chance... dotarank needs old school... OLD SCHOOL RULES and makes athmosphere...

there r 2 much skilled noobs on dotarank... dotarank needs old school on the other side for balance... dont become like hostbot channel... skilled noobs overrun it... it died...

p.s. it is not about right pick... its about players who dont know and cant use it properly...

ppl easy with banning... once u willnot have good players there anymore...

being moderator or admin is hard job... every man has vanity, envy and
jealousy... chill, calm, relax... open ur mind... get into the system... those reasons r not so hard...

Sir Rogers
12-09-2009, 05:56 PM
As I mentionned I've been travelling. I haven't got internet in my new flat yet and the internet I'm currently using is very unreliable which is why it took some time to process this.

Due to above mentionned reason I do not have the time to comment on any posts made in this topic.

Appeal Granted