View Full Version : 6.64

13-10-2009, 09:03 PM
6.64 is out ;) Undying totally bitchslapped now :P

13-10-2009, 10:29 PM
that is same for skeleton king

13-10-2009, 10:45 PM
no because sk is buffed and undy nerfed.

i dont get the new kraken shell Oo

13-10-2009, 11:21 PM
Kraken Shell reworked, instead of removing buffs in time intervals, buffs are now removed whenever 600 HP is lost from player based damage. The counter is reset whenever you don't take damage for 6 seconds.

thats for me too, does it mean when the hero deal more than 600 hp for a spell it active buff remove or what :D

13-10-2009, 11:39 PM
ReQuieM ]
thats for me too, does it mean when the hero deal more than 600 hp for a spell it active buff remove or what :D

what? How can you not get it. You loose 600 life - the buff is removed. player based damage = damage not from creeps/roshan/towers

14-10-2009, 03:45 AM
new kraken is horrible in early game and a little bit better in lategame (a little bit because if you lose 600hp in lategame you are getting chainstunned anyway). Don't really get what that 'nerf' was for, although it's just minor as long as his ult and gush isn't affected.

Although the new version doesn't appear to have many changes, there are plenty:
UD, Aba, Sylla and Morph nerfed
Phase boots are no longer a carry item (it was kind of silly to see Spectre with Phase boots)

Looks like there will soon be another version where you can actually ban and pick stuff according to your players/enemies instead of having to ban/pick the most OP heroes to win :x

14-10-2009, 04:20 PM
Well imagine bloodseeker with quelling and phase boots ^^ Imba lane staying power :P
And for some reason I honestly believe that phase can be good on techies now xD

14-10-2009, 04:42 PM
buffed necro 0_o even more likely to get banned now =/
really love the abba and obsi changes though =)

and how is abba nerfed? he got his 800 range coil back which gave him most of his killing potential, the lower range on shield will make it harder to harrass without taking damage yourself but he is still stronger then last version imo.

new treads are pretty cheap imo though.

14-10-2009, 05:12 PM
necro was crap last version. The str gain is fine and it's not like he will gain awesome bloodstone regen anyway.
obsi changes don't matter anyway or did someone see zeus getting picked more frequently just because his agi was buffed?

huh? aba stronger than last version? You aren't one of those guys who charge into a battle with shield on themselves, right?
If the carry gets stunned I can just cast shield without a problem and we both get away safely. Now I have to be like right beside him.. what if it's an aoe stun? oh great we are both stunned and dead.
It's a major difference and it makes or breaks teambattles if I can just sit outside of danger and support my team to it's best or have to stand right next to them, get probably chainstunned with them and can't save anyone this way.

14-10-2009, 05:39 PM
well duh, ofc abba cant get his combo off by both harrasing with shield and nuking with coil from large range. even though he was hardly picked and underestimated bigtime it still required some sort of nerf. plus coil>shield as nuke/support. also if you lane normally you can still shield your ally/creeps.
and necro was very hp/str item dependant last ver. but far from crap. But now the guinsoo/necromicon rush will suffice.
and i welcome any buff on orbwalkers in general as i love to play them :p

14-10-2009, 06:38 PM
Necronomicon Recipe cost reduced by 50 gold.. Now everyone will get it!

14-10-2009, 08:01 PM
plus coil>shield as nuke/support. also if you lane normally you can still shield your ally/creeps.

nah, that's where you are wrong.
coil is much worse than shield. You are underestimating stuns. If someone gets hit by a 5s arrow do you think +150hp or getting the stun removed would save him? ;)
Of course you can still cast your shield, but you have to walk for 500 more range. This will take another ~1,5s which could be crucial.

But that's just the minor thing. The real reason why he got nerfed is still this:

It's a major difference and it makes or breaks teambattles if I can just sit outside of danger and support my team to it's best or have to stand right next to them, get probably chainstunned with them and can't save anyone this way.

14-10-2009, 09:17 PM
Well imagine bloodseeker with quelling and phase boots ^^ Imba lane staying power :P
And for some reason I honestly believe that phase can be good on techies now xD

lane? Phase costs 1500, I think you would be already ganking by that time.

15-10-2009, 02:35 PM
Well imagine bloodseeker with quelling and phase boots ^^ Imba lane staying power :P
And for some reason I honestly believe that phase can be good on techies now xD

lane? Phase costs 1500, I think you would be already ganking by that time.

Depends on how good your farm is ;) And if you chose to play passive or aggressive ^_^

15-10-2009, 03:34 PM
as if bs needs the phase... i prefer +25 as and +10 to a stat over +24 dmg and +10 ms. and treads are cheaper too :p

15-10-2009, 06:05 PM
Well phase are good for chasing, since creeps like to block u ^^ (what i experience :P)