View Full Version : BR BoOMMMM

15-09-2011, 12:05 AM
Room: Europe public
Reason: Intense Gameruin via: Passive gaming only Stealing Kills but thats just a minor offense.. mainly:
Share abuse of Furion to drop and kill his items thus making us loosing the entire round and in the end even kinda admitting it because hes flaming like "LoL Furion you so noob with no items". (Around Minute 35 ingame time)

Replay: http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/188558

I just cant understand why... why would you be so dumb, so realy anti teamplay. I would strongly request a ban for lifetime but i know you cant :(

in the end hes bragging bout his dynamic ip and multiaccounting. This player just fills me up with wrath _-_

15-09-2011, 02:20 AM

boommmm is now timebanned from this channel until 01:20 on 29/09/2011 (2 weeks)