View Full Version : Ban bristdream, (NVS)-PORTA- (Maphack)

15-09-2011, 10:06 PM
Username: bristdream, (NVS)-PORTA-
Room : (Europe) Public
Reason: bristdream -> leaver (rage-leave after 0 3)

(NVS)-PORTA- -> MapHack (all are replay's time) :
- 5:30 : goes straight on doc despite the fact he (doc) is in fog.
- 12:50 : suddenly back when doc comes for gank
- 13:30 : again, at the precise moment doc move to him, he goes back (no vision at all).
- 17:50 : empty his bottle to take the regen top (no wards) (steal it from me :()
- 22:00 : hide from doc's vision, very strange place to hide at this point of the game...
- 25:15 : "random wave" :). Even his own mates laugh.
- 25:45 : second one straight on centaur, i guess at this point he doesn't care anymore about being spotted.
- 27:20 : click on Sven who is in FOG fighting neutrals. I'm not used to the evidences with circles (lot of bugs etc) but this one seems convincing...(it happens all the game but it's often very short click btw).
On top of this, he goes straight to kill sven, crossing a sentinel's wave of creeps he doesn't even see :') (sven is low HP). He back when he realizes it, but just when both waves of creeps are fighting each other, he goes for the kill, again.
- 36:20 (the best) : ulti mirana between T2 & T3 top, VS TP when i'm ~ at the cliff, and almost follow me (i'm invis). Even 180° at the same time i change direction...

Hope this is enough. Otherwise there is still 20 min of game where blue (Z__) finally realized i was right.

Replay: http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/189404

Thanks in advance for your time =).

16-09-2011, 01:36 AM

bristdream is now timebanned from this channel until 00:35 on 23/09/2011 (3 days)

(nvs)-porta- is now timebanned from this channel until 00:36 on 14/10/2011 (4 weeks)

Fog click on SpaceGirl (POTM) at 5:17
Fog click on guizmo (WD) at 5:17 (Elapsed time)

Thank you for reporting.

16-09-2011, 12:34 PM

bristdream is now timebanned from this channel until 00:35 on 23/09/2011 (3 days)

(nvs)-porta- is now timebanned from this channel until 00:36 on 14/10/2011 (4 weeks)

Thank you for reporting.

Hi, can you tell me the easiest way to check the MH user please? I used to adopt the method by keeping on press ctrl+C, but it is really difficult and complex, is there any software or easy way to check it?

17-09-2011, 02:04 AM
Well, I was tempted to make a tutorial on "How to catch a MapHacker". But, since an Anti-Cheat system is going to be implemented soon, i don't have it on my "to do list" any longer.
For now I'd suggest, if you wanna check for Maphackers you can use some useful tools such as, CasE C Script (http://www.mediafire.com/?nmg42jmycmt):A simple software which "presses" crtl-c for you during replay so you don't have to.
DotA Replay Manager (http://www.playdota.com/forums/8624/dota-replay-manager-2-10-a/) :Tool for browsing Warcraft III replays with additional features for parsing DotA replays.
And last but not least. Replay Seeker (http://www.ziddu.com/download/8297714/ReplaySeeker_v1.0.rar.html): Allows you to quickly scale through the replay at specific spots and also allows you to loop certain time frames.
These softwares come in handy when you wanna figure out the who's maphack'ing.
Just don't forget, none of these tools are 100% accurate and precise. Most of the work you'll have to do manually.
Hope that helps.