View Full Version : ban request on_skills & [fallen]

22-09-2011, 10:13 PM
Username: on_skills & [fallen] (from the other team, maynem and Fa1LsToPPeR left also, was 3x5 and we were owning them, they left, is that reason to ban? if yes, do so)
Room: eu pub
Reason: leavers
Replay/Screenshots: http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/197156

22-09-2011, 10:23 PM

maynem is now timebanned from this channel until 21:22 on 25/09/2011 (3 days).

[fallen] is now timebanned from this channel until 21:22 on 25/09/2011 (3 days).

on_skills is now timebanned from this channel until 21:21 on 24/09/2011 (2 days).

Fa1LsToPPeR will be warned, he was the last one to ff but left instead so game would've ended nonetheless.