Basic information

Ingame name :Mental
Main class :Spellsinger-Support: pp/ee/se
LvL of main class :-
Subclass(numbers lvls) :-

Information about player

Expereance in Lineage2 gaming :Από C3 μέχρι τώρα
Real life name :Δημήτρης
How old are you :20
Where are you from :Θεσσαλονίκη-Σπουδάζω Σέρρες
What is your motivation for playing with us :Οργάνωση

Clan will’s

Agree to follow leaders and superiors orders :Ναι
Agree to help clan in battles/raids/xp/sieges :Ναι
Agree to add subclasses in order the clan needs :Ναι

About you

Share with us some information’s about yourself :Φοιτητής είμαι οπότε έχω αρκετό ελεύθερο χρόνο, και ειδικά πολύ βραδινές ώρες για clan farm etc.