Personal information and background:

Hey my name is Henk and I like to play DotA in my spare time, my hobbies are fitness, snowboarding.
I work as a cook.

- Previous DotA experience:

I've played dota for 3 years now, I first played publics but i got bored very fast because people just dont understand the game, then i went to SiG, it's better than pub but still not optimal so i wish to join this league a friend told me it's a good one.

- Gameplay information:

I like to play all sorts of heroes, mainly support heroes and gangers dough, like: Ryail, Lion, Tide, ect...

-Are you familiar with of the roles of competitive DotA and do you understand how to play them?

Yes I do.

- How skilled do you consider yourself. Low, mid, high?

I consider myself mid/high skillled, depending on what role i play (high skilled support, mid rest).

Post atleast two replays of you in action (nonpub games)
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-Why do you want to play in iHL?

I heard from a friend of mine that this league is higher skilled than SiG and I would like to compete with that.

Are you aware of the iHL rules (here) and will you follow them?

Yes, I am and I will.

-What's your battlenet account?
