Name: Dack J
IGN (In Game Name): Dack
Age: 16
What country are you from?: US/UK [alternating]
Why should you be able to build?: Because I have yearned for a server with order and security like yours to construct my buildings in without fear of being TNT'd or griefed.
What building style do you prefer?: Modern, Multi-user housing, Shops, Towers, and "secretive," I like hiding things like passageways and emergency exits in my creations
Why do you want to play on our server?: As has already been stated, I have wanted a server in which I can freely contribute to a city without fear of mine and others creations being constantly destroyed.
What will you contribute?: Anything. I'm good with apartment towers, shops, medium sized homes, fortresses, and hidden bases.

Previous Creations: None which have been preserved, sadly. I mostly build in, but that's an unstable server.