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Thread: Welcome

  1. #1
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    Default Welcome

    Welcome to the Legacy Interactive thread. We are the developers of Law & Order: Dead on the Money, Law & Order II: Double or Nothing and Law & Order: Justices is Served. This fall, we have released in North America our latest adventure game, Law & Order: Criminal Intent. This latest game is a third-person game in which the player takes on the role of Detective Robert Goren to solve four all-new murder cases.

    You can visit to play an online demo version of the game, or download a demo to install and play.

    We are working on developing another adventure game based on a popular television show (no, it�s not Law & Order). We are not able to announce which television show just yet. Stay tuned!

    I�ll be here to answer any questions you have about our games, and to listen to any suggestions you have about our games as well.

    Craig Brannon
    Legacy Interactive

  2. #2
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigB
    We are working on developing another adventure game based on a popular television show (no, it’s not Law & Order). We are not able to announce which television show just yet.
    Oh, come on. So now I assume it will be a game based on "Desperate housewives"? ;D

    At what stage of development is the new game?

  3. #3
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigB
    We are working on developing another adventure game based on a popular television show (no, it�s not Law & Order). We are not able to announce which television show just yet. Stay tuned!
    Hehe... make it be 24 or Lost. I'll cross my fingers, but I won't hold my breath for either of those.

  4. #4
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Default Re: Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigB
    You can visit to play an online demo version of the game, or download a demo to install and play.
    Nice idea to put an online demo

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Welcome

    There is a 24 game that is coming out in February for the PlayStation, but Legacy did not develop it. I bet there is a Lost game somewhere in development as well, not by us though. And I hope the poster was kidding when Desperate Housewives was suggested!

    The "unannounced" game we are working on will be released next Fall, so we are early in development.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Welcome

    Do you continoue the investigation series, or will be due an other theme adventure?

  7. #7
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Welcome

    Yes, lots of investigating. The game is based on a criminal drama on TV, but I just can't tell you which one yet!


  8. #8
    Rank: Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Welcome


    I have also some questions:

    1. Why did you change the perspective from 1st to 3rd person in the Criminal Intent game? (I appreciate this decision, since I can't stand 1st person Adventures.) What perspective will the new game be in?

    2. Do you like working on television licenses, or would you prefer to do sth. original for a change?

    3. Who had the idea for a Law & Order game - you or the publisher (TAC)?

    4. How big is your team (or is there more than 1 team)

    5. Law & Order is a big success in the US, but how did the games do in other countries (germany for example?)

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Welcome

    Good questions.

    1. We changed perspectives in Criminal Intent for a few reasons. One reason was that we wanted to make sure our games are different from each other, and that they continue to get better. We felt that by making the game in the 3rd person, that it would immediately feel different than the previous games we have developed. We also knew that Criminal Intent TV show centers around Detective Goren. We wanted players to be able to get more on-screen time with this character, since he is at the heart of the show. We felt that changing the perspective to 3rd person allowed us to do that.

    2. Televisions licenses have less freedoms than original characters in that everything needs to be approved by whomever owns the license. Sometimes, that can be a bit of a hassle. However, it is nice to create a game within a world where there are rich characters and established behaviors and conventions. In many ways, this environment can be easier to work with rather than starting from scratch. Of course it's also a big bonus that TV licenses have a fan base and people have an instant expectation about what kind of game it is.

    3. We were the ones who originally negotiated the Law & Order license. Legacy's president was the person who first came up with the idea for a Law & Order game and sought out the rights.

    4. Right now, we have only one team. The size of the team varies, depending on the phase of development. Typically the team size is between 10 and 15 people.

    5. I don't have sales numbers for other countries, sorry. The game development side of things keeps me pretty busy!


  10. #10
    Rank: Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Welcome

    thanks for the answers!

    more questions:

    6. Have you considered console ports of your games?

    7. What do you think of the next generation consoles & the new handheld systems?

    8. Do you have any idea when criminal intent will be released in germany (we just got L&O 3)

  11. #11
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Welcome

    6. We have watched to see how similar games to ours (such as the CSI games) have done on the console. They have not sold very well so far on consoles. It seems that the console market is not broad enough quite yet for these types of games.

    7. The next gen consoles certainly look very impressive with lots of computing power and amazing graphics. Very impressive indeed. I hope the new handheld systems will help expand the types of games that are being developed now. I think the Nintendo DS is very cool.

    9. Mindscape is the distributor of Law & Order: Criminal Intent in Europe. I am not aware of their release dates, but I assume they would release non-English versions sometime next year.

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