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  1. #21

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrie
    Is dragging the dead cat in all James was asking for Milton's help with, though?
    Not at all, it was just one of the many requests that Blackwood did...

    I seem to remember some references to James asking Milton to "forget [his] vow," which I'd assume is the Hippocratic oath, since Milton's a doctor. (It's been a while since I played that part of the game. Apologies if my memory's a bit fuzzy.) While that could apply to a cat, I assumed it applied more to people--like, say, Robin. So I guess what I'm asking is: did James at any point feel that he had to kill Robin to complete the amulet, because he was either the victim or the victimizer?
    That's correct, and the first prize goes to Valkyrie! ;D This is precisely the worst thing that Blackwood asks Milton, the reason why he decided to watch after Robin before fulfilling this unspeakable promise. Blackwood knew that Robin was dangerous and, if the amulet failed, he decided that some drastic measures has to be taken. He didn't make it, so it was up to Milton to take care of it.

    Basically, Blackwood was hoping that the amulet would lift the curse and turn Robin back to normality... neither occurred, so Milton was forced to become the 'eternal guardian". The very first document you find, Milton's diary, says it all really!

    Also, why did Milton never finish the amulet? (Other than the obvious answer: because if he had, there wouldn't have been much of a game! :P )
    Because he never truly believed it. Since Blackwood wasn't around to press him any longer, he refused to finish it. Or perhaps simply forgot about it...
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  2. #22

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Quote Originally Posted by Imari
    I didn't have a problem with the storyline so much as I was really angry with Michael at the end for blithely going off to his book writing and success while leaving the boy in the basement.
    Wouldn't you have done the same if seeing that horrible apparition? Remember: Michael was convinced that Blackwood was in the basement, and he was expecting at the very least a normal human being... his whole dreamworld became shattered when stumbling into Robin, and therefore he escaped.

    I was clinging to the hope that the last pan of the camera through the opening up to greenhouse was through Robin's eyes, and that he'd escaped to live on the estate.... but now that Agustin's burst that bubble.... ;P
    And that's correct - Robin either escaped via the hole he was digging (for years!) or the door that Michael left open. I've always loved this ironical spin of the ending!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    One question-Who exactly is Bailey? I've heard talk of her, and I thought, who better to answer than the creator.

    I lied-one more question:

    Was Robin concieved naturally? It may seem like a wierd question...but, well, yeah, it is.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Agustin asked:
    Wouldn't you have done the same if seeing that horrible apparition?
    I definitely would have back peddled out of there, yes, but I think that Michael should have gotten some help for the boy. Hey.... there are mothers out here playing your game! At some point or other children are all little monsters, but we don't abandon them. Cursed little murderer or not, I felt really really sorry for the little guy, having been shut up in that dirty basement for all his life. ;P

  5. #25

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Quote Originally Posted by lotrgrl
    One question-Who exactly is Bailey? I've heard talk of her, and I thought, who better to answer than the creator.
    That would be William Bailey, the retired policeman. You get to talk with him, remember? The clacking old guy...

    Was Robin concieved naturally? It may seem like a wierd question...but, well, yeah, it is.
    Yes... I guess ;D

    No, really, he was naturally conceived. But the thought of an ancient god being more "physical" than expected would open a whole new world of possibilities!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  6. #26

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Quote Originally Posted by Imari
    Agustin asked:
    Wouldn't you have done the same if seeing that horrible apparition?
    I definitely would have back peddled out of there, yes, but I think that Michael should have gotten some help for the boy. Hey.... there are mothers out here playing your game! At some point or other children are all little monsters, but we don't abandon them. Cursed little murderer or not, I felt really really sorry for the little guy, having been shut up in that dirty basement for all his life. ;P
    This contradictory feeling was very intentional! In the end, you can't tell whether Robin is going to attack you or is begging for help... and yes, these are the disturbing implications I referred to in another thread: Robin was tossed inside that cell for over a decade, being fed with raw meat, treated like an animal, and spent his long days digging into dirt with his bare hands. Now, who was the real monster here?
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Quote Originally Posted by Agustin Cordes
    (and no, we don't want to reveal the original one yet... perhaps if you ask politely...)
    Pretty please??? Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please?? (I typed out each "pretty". I didn't copy/paste-that must count for something!)

  8. #28

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Let's make a deal: we will reveal it this Thursday, mmmkay? Along with other tidbits of info...
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  9. #29

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Quote Originally Posted by Agustin Cordes
    Let's make a deal: we will reveal it this Thursday, mmmkay? Along with other tidbits of info...
    Sounds good to me!

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    How long is this question/answer thing going on? And for how many days?

  11. #31

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    We will stick around for a few more minutes and then return the next Thursday, at the same time. If there are any questions pending tomorrow or Wednesday, I guess we can answer them too!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  12. #32

    Default Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...


    This has been easily the most controversial aspect of Scratches. It practically divided people, generated aired discussions and became a love or hate it affair. Debates went on over months (they actually keep going) and still there isn't a general consensus. We have been equally insulted and praised because of this. Now it's the time ask ourselves: why?

    Believe it or not, there was nothing rushed about this abrupt ending. We actually had a long discussion about it, about what was better to do and the ideal approach. In the original ending, Michael had to perform a certain action down in that hole, bringing a different sense of purpose to the whole game. But the truth is that the only purpose was always to resolve the Blackwood enigma. And learning what was the reason behind those scratches was enough to achieve that. Roughly speaking, once you knew this fact alone, there was nothing left to do. So while the original ending brought a sense of completion to the game and Michael's stay in Blackwood Manor, it was simply wrong for a number of reasons, chief among them killing the climax (let's just say that in it Michael puts someone out of his misery). Just take our word for it � it would have ruined a lot of the Scratches experience. There are two great things about the current ending: one, it leaves to the imagination of the player whether the whole ordeal with the mask and the curse was true or not, something that had a straight solution when the game was first conceived � and two, it has a definite Lovecraftian feel to it, which is more akin to the overall style of the game.

    And allow me to add a third one: it made the story persist in your minds and in online forums. For many people, the aftermath of the game was almost as fun as playing the game itself! This is precisely what we wanted with this ending. The original one just wouldn't had the same impact. And we firmly believe this was the right way of ending Scratches, no question about that. It was abrupt and rushed on purpose � but the clues to understanding the story are all there. Simply by reading a couple of documents (especially Milton's) should be enough to dispel any doubts.

    Now, for the first time ever, we will be directly answering questions about the ending... as much as we can!

    (and no, we don't want to reveal the original one yet... perhaps if you ask politely...)
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  13. #33
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    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    (Hello World! My first message here )

    Well, also, what about the Thalidomide ?

  14. #34

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    What about it? ;D

    Like I said, there are enough hints that support the curse theory as there are against it.

    For those wondering about the Thalidomide, that's the bottle of pills found inside a Catherine's drawer. Googling for it should bring you some potentially shattering revelations... depending on your point of view, that is!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  15. #35
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    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    ... now, why does Jerry know the safe combination? in fact, he's annoying...

  16. #36

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    It makes sense since he sold the house - he could have gotten this information as background of the property!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  17. #37
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    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Do you have an opinon on what happened? Do you think there is a wrong and right answer? Is it like The Giver, by Lois Lowery, in that the ending could mean many differnt thing?

  18. #38

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    I've always wanted to know - was the "thing" (which everyone has pretty much determined is Robin) calling out for help (he looked sad), or was he trying to kill Michael?

    Also, shouldn't Michael have called the police? After all, when you get into the car to try to leave, he says he feels he needs to stay, because perhaps the future inhabitants could really get hurt because of all this. I thought he cared about putting this evil to rest in order to protect anybody who came to live there in the future.

    I'm thinking it's a little less abrupt now that you've explained it. I have to admit I was a little saddened that it ended so quickly, but still deeply disturbed. And I love that feeling! The game was great, and I'm glad the ending is finally being unveiled! The whole game is based around the source of those scratching noises. And even though I thought the ending was quick and confusing, just knowing that this "thing" was causing them sums it up...

    And for some reason...I'm thinking that Jerry is a little bad. Did he really not acquire the house correctly, or was The National Trust eviction notice a fake? It's possible somebody wanted Michael out...but it's also possible that Jerry did something he knew he shouldn't have. I thought something was weird when he suddenly started believing all of the ghost talk. It's as if he wanted Michael to leave at that point. :-X

    Thanks for the explanation! ;D Also, sorry if some of these questions have already been answered...I haven't looked at every single post. :-[

  19. #39

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    Quote Originally Posted by lotrgrl
    Do you have an opinon on what happened? Do you think there is a wrong and right answer? Is it like The Giver, by Lois Lowery, in that the ending could mean many differnt thing?
    I can't honestly say that I have an opinion. There might not be an answer for that ultimate question. The majority of the events that took place in Scratches can be explained in one way or another, but the question of whether the curse was real or not, that's up for each one of you to make a decision. The last shot of the blooming flower is perhaps the best example of this dilemma...
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  20. #40

    Default Re: Let's Discuss The Scratches Ending...

    CaseSolver, thanks for the comments! I'm very glad to hear the subtleties of Scratches are finally creeping on you... I will be answering your well thought questions tomorrow because even we, creatures of the night, need to get some sleep (which is a contradiction, I know!).

    I can quickly tell you that the last action by Robin is one of those things that you have to decide for yourself. He first tries to attack Michael (which even might be a reasonable reaction, given the circumstances) but then he seems to be asking for help, before Michael shuts the door. It would seem like he was begging him to stay... after all, he was locked down there, without contact to the outer world or any people, for many years.

    Then again, we must not forget this is the same creature that killed his mother...

    (then again, that could have been an accident )
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

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