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  1. #1

    Default EEDL in Search of Experienced Staff!

    As time is passing, and EEDL is growing in popularity, we are in need of more staff to help out around behind the scenes and on the forums. What we are looking for currently are Forum Admins, which will take care of Warns/Bans/Unvouch Requests, Appeals, Promotes ETC.. We are looking for 2 People to fill this vacancy up! And the other position is Editorial Administration, where you will be constructing news, making interviews with top players around the scene and some nice articles in our forums! We have 3 Spots for this position.

    Application Forms:

    Forum Admins:

    Why do you want to take up this position?

    What can you offer us at EEDL?

    How active are you, how much time can you attend to this position?

    What previous experiences have you got of this position?

    Anything you would like us to consider about you?
    Editorial Admins:

    Why do you want to take up this position?

    What can you offer us at EEDL?

    How active are you, how much time can you attend to this position?

    What previous experiences have you got of this position?

    Show us some of your previous work. (News Atricles, Interviews etc..)

    Anything you would like us to consider about you?
    Everyone is welcome to apply, but we will only take in the best applications from the people who look most fitting to the position based on their application. If you have any issues about this, please message one of our Administrators and they will solve this for you!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by LoG_Reeper; 29-06-2010 at 08:20 PM.

    Born to kill, Kill to thrill.

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Oct 2009
    • Posts: 15


    Where are you from? : United Kingdom

    How old are you? 19, 15/05/1991

    Tell us a bit about yourself.
    Hi, my name is Anna currently living in the UK. I am 19 years old , currently I am studying and have a lot of free time. I like to keep the 'Tell us a bit about yourself' nice and short so I�ll move on to more important stuff.

    Why do you want to take up this position?
    EEDL is a well know league, I have conducted a research and found/believe that EEDL and it's future prospects are impressive and interesting. I've also wanted to come back to work in a forum environment, where I can manage and help anyway possible. EEDL is a team I�d be proud to work with. A place where my background/skills can be utilized and developed.

    What can you offer us at EEDL?
    I can offer my previous moderating skills and also I've been doing a computer course which I think will benefit. I've previous experience being a forum admin in Garena (6-8 Months), but due to personal reasons I've been inactive. The reason I would like to take up this position is to help with managing the forums, help with the EEDL by using my previous knowledge and skills. After looking in to the EEDL website espiscially at the ban/vouch etc... section I see loads of people don't even follow the thread rules and procedures, I belive that I can change all this by using my previous knowledge and skills.

    How active are you, how much time can you attend to this position?
    10 � 15 hours a day (summer holidays, so it varies but 15 - 18 hours daily is maximum)

    What previous experiences have you got of this position?

    Garena Forum Admin: HLR 4 Ban Requests, HLR 5 Ban Requests, Humour, WarCraft RPG, EHLR League, I've had all these previous experiences while I was in Garena. In HLR 4 I was a room and forum admin, there I had to keep a clean record on the ban request, deal with members issues and sort the forum out in terms of spam etc.... Other forums I had to update daily games, information, rules etc.... and mainly keep the forums active and clean for the users

    I've also been a head streamer for DotA Pride for 4 months, within this job I had to stream games regularly and post them on the website and other relevant sites.

    Anything you would like us to consider about you?
    Age: 19
    United Kingdom
    [email protected]
    Last edited by AleciaMoore; 30-06-2010 at 07:16 PM.

  3. #3

    Thumbs up Looking For it =)

    Hello EveryOne .. , i Would Like To Work With You Guys...

    1-Why do you want to take up this position?

    first.. i like To Organize all Kind Of Leagues and i got a lot of exrpience in it.. and i know all what it taks for this position ..

    2-What can you offer us at EEDL?

    i can offer you my Help .. and i can do w/e u need..

    3-How active are you, how much time can you attend to this position?

    well i finished my school and im free all day long .. , i can be online like 24/7

    4-What previous experiences have you got of this position?

    i Worked With Dota-AnGel Before in Some public Leagues Such as DGL.Eu + DGL.Ro + DGL.BG
    but not anymore -.-'

    5-Anything you would like us to consider about you?

    im an Organized Guy and i always love to Organize everything in my Life .. so i hope u consider me in ur mind for working with you , cuz i really love to do stuff like this =)

    Gratz : LeG1oNRoX-_^
    Email : [email protected]
    GGC : LeG1oNRoX-_^

    P.S: if you Would like To know more About me Just Email me =)

  4. #4
    Rank: Board General
    • Join Date: Nov 2009
    • Posts: 1,954


    oui, !support AleciaMoore, i was with her in dota pride so its all ze truth.
    MSN? :c

  5. #5


    AleciaMore read your Mail!

    Born to kill, Kill to thrill.

  6. #6
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Nov 2009
    • Posts: 29


    Why do you want to take up this position?

    I spend here my free time.
    What can you offer us at EEDL

    I can offer my previous moderating skills

    How active are you, how much time can you attend to this position?
    12 hours
    What previous experiences have you got of this position? <=was ladder admin <=was garena moderator <= was moderator
    #dota.pride <= was admin on 1st time
    int-exl league <= was manager
    RIHL (russian inhouse) <= was manager
    +some more proects

    /q `14-_-rr0R
    Last edited by justErroR; 03-07-2010 at 03:14 AM.

  7. #7
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: Sep 2009
    • Posts: 60


    Why do you want to take up this position?
    I have free time when I'm not playing DotA, and I want to help the DotA community out in some way or another, I need to be occupied somehow so I figure this would be the best way to do it. I believe I'm experienced enough to handle it, and I would be able to devote my time. I believe EEDL is the #1 league out there right now, and I want to help make it better, I am experienced with running leagues, and handling the players, to make it an even better environment.

    What can you offer us at EEDL?
    I can offer my services, my time, and my dedication. I can offer opinions on certain issues if you need help, and I'll be helpful to all, always mannered. I will always be of help whenever I'm on, and I'm on a lot. Since I'm from USA, I can be at the prime of EEDL, and when there are only few games late night. Since mainly all admins from euro will be asleep and can't handle issues, I will be there to help!

    How active are you, how much time can you attend to this position?
    I'm very active, I'm on everyday at least 6 hours minimum, and a maximum of 15 hours.

    What previous experiences have you got of this position?
    I was an admin for xDg league on we always had 10 games going up at once, and it was very fun to mod such a fun league, I did this for about 2 years before the league died.
    Anything you would like us to consider about you? I am level headed and open minded, I'm non bias, and can see both sides of the situation. I never flame people and I enjoy helping.
    Last edited by Lobsters.CoM; 05-07-2010 at 05:34 PM.

  8. #8


    It like me and I have much experience in it
    I can offer qualitative and interesting Dota news
    I can give the free time to this work
    I am newsmaker on page=598

    Best Regards,
    EEDL Staff
    European Elite Dota League!

  9. #9
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Nov 2009
    • Posts: 29


    Quote Originally Posted by arcan View Post
    I am newsmaker on
    you are not newsmaker on :face palm:

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by justErroR View Post
    you are not newsmaker on :face palm:
    o yeah, i was it, but there was some exams in university and i didn't have time for it (-> i said, pd admins have demoted me)

    Best Regards,
    EEDL Staff
    European Elite Dota League!

  11. #11
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Nov 2009
    • Posts: 29


    you was trial newsmaker = helper
    : <

  12. #12


    closed. Thanks for applications.
    " Herb its a plant " ( Bob Marley )

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