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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Jul 2009
    • Posts: 11

    Default [ACCEPTED]Unban Request - wicked.

    Unban Request : wicked.

    Λεπτομέρειες :

    Το account σας : wicked.
    GameName : nlm
    Hostbot : da-inh-03
    Admin Name : matrix3
    Reason : afk
    Σε ποιο λεπτό έγινε το γεγονός : molis arxise to game eipa sta paidia oti paw ligo afk....ekana share kai tous eipa se 5 lepta to polu exw gurisei....omws oso paralogo kai an fainetai kai gelio akouste ti egine.....ka8ws hmoun afk ka8otan o father m sto pc kai eblepe kati sto stoixhma.....m pe oti 8a kanei 5 lepta kai lew ok dn 8a arghsw sto game.....Omws kai lew omws gt m gamhse kai emena tn psuxologia ka8hse 25 lepta kai opote hmoun afk 25 lepta sto apotelesma na me kanei kick o matrix logikotata kai na me bannarei....otan gurisa sto pc ekshghsa sta paidia p ta kserw kiolas ti egine kai m eipan oti ta rules einai dexomai auto kai bebaia dn 8a htan dikaio na me kanei unban giauto kai ekana to post.....replay i ss dn exw dustuxws :/ ....auta loipon thanks a lot...
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Nobody's perfect.......I'm Nobody ^.- -.^

  2. #2
    Rank: Councilor
    • Join Date: May 2009
    • Posts: 414


    Na kai enas user p xerei ti na kanei otan trwei ban wraios wicked. Sto 8ema mas twra.Tetoies periptwseis sigxorountai polloi menoune afk parapanw apoti lene alla me logo. Suntoma to ban sou 8a bgei. Topic closed
    Auto Pou Thelw pantote tha eimai kai ama den eimai nar8eite na m to peite....

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