The community from Cadred had the chance to ask questions to the former SK.CS player who now plays for fnatic, Rasmus 'GuX' St�hl. In this interview, he shares his thoughts about his time in SK, the future of Counter-Strike and more ...

Here is an extract of the interview:
What did you think of the SK team in your time with them? You helped them achieve more success than they had done for quite some time in your short spell with the team. Do they have the same sort of talent or potential as the fnatic team? If so, what holds them back? Rickeh

I loved the team. There are truly some amazing people on that team and I think they have got lots of potential. They are a team that really deserves the best. I don�t really know why things ain�t working for them at the moment but I think that will change soon they are a realy talented group of players.

Picture from Cadred

If you could pick up four players to make a dreamteam who would it be and why � you can�t choose players from fnatic. aRc1

I would pick Robban, allen, face and niko.

Which teams do you believe that can certainly develop on the following months/years and make an impact in the CS Scene? r6ks

Well I think Evil Geniuses are getting a lot better and they seem to have a good chemistry together. Recent results how their improvement. Also I think MTW should have a good chance to become really good if they don�t become overconfident in their ability. And, of course, SK are always good. We�ll see what Na�Vi can do they have had some ups and downs of late but they are a great team as well.

Do you feel that 1.6 still has a long time left? Having been the premier eSport game for the past 10 or so years the game is quckly becoming dated, what - if anything - will replace it? If the game does die out, will you continue with your gaming career? Rickeh

I can�t really answer this as only time will tell. For me nothing has changed over my short pro-gamer life so I am probably not the right person to ask about this. If I had to answer I�d say I really don�t think so. I will play 1.6 until it�s over then I will move on with my life.
If you are interested by reading the full interview, I suggest you to click on this link