Dear Community,

Since some interesting events occurred the past few days, I want to explain what is up to.

The first thing what I want to talk about is our staff. After several weeks we nearly completed our personnel and now we got a maximum of competence in the highest layer. MGN needs a management team, which is objective, active and experienced. We are sure to fulfil the requirements which the Community is calling for. Furthermore I want to welcome the guys who were not here from the start and had finished the admissions procedure.

The second thing what I want to talk about is Project UDL. Some of you know that we changed our Name to MGN now. The reason behind this is easy to understand: Before our real project is up, we wanted to check � without any effort � if people accept our system, if our bots run correct and if we can find some new Staff-members / Administrators for Bots. In all three parts we got a successful outcome, therefore Project UDL � the pre-project of our League � was a clear profit for us.

A Graphic is about our played games the past month.

The third thing what I want to talk about is the Internet Relay Chat, shortened IRC. Our main focus till now was the, it was easy for you to join channels and get the game name there. But what did you do when the channels were full? Right, you join other games. Because of that we want to move our focus to IRC, because there are infinite users per channel and it�s much easier to exercise channel rights. Moreover the same options like adding guys to your friends list or whispering them are also available.

The fourth thing what I want to talk about are costs. Many communities offer three ranks which a player can occupy: Administrator, VIP-Player and Player. The point is that you can reach the VIP-Player just if you donate some money to the community and then you are able to join full games for example.
These commercial strategies are nice to earn some additional money, but are not effective at all. We decided to kill the VIP-player-status and give every player the same rights, except the Administrator, of course. When we use the league to earn money we are on the false way, because we want to offer an unbelievable experience of fair sportsmanship and in our opinion sportsmanship should not depend on money, it should be depending on the people who practice it.

There is one more thing what I want to talk about: Milestones. Essential things in project planning are Milestones, which marks important dates in the project. The first step was the foundation of our league, which were at February the 20th. The second step was the launch of some bots a few days after. The third step was the evaluation of the past month and what we could improve. The next milestone is the complete launch of our bots which is going to be soon.

Conclusion: As you can see, we are ready. Are you ready too?

Thank you for reading,
Kind Regards,