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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: May 2010
    • Posts: 9

    Default tito's disc on 14 minute result/truant mb ?

    my auth crystalll,ggc [c72]volosatii
    player auth-Minititoo,ggc 12Tribal`Minitito
    reason: disconect at 14minute after 0-4,0-3 , we rape their trilane on botom , 1 death on shaker , score 11-4 in the ending , and nothing , no truant no result . wtf ?
    replay: dont know wtf with upload ... when u downloaded it rename file name.w3g and all ok

  2. #2


    [20:59:35] <@PowerXL> .disconnect
    [20:59:36] <@EEDL-RSS> EEDL Disconnect Rules: Any player found to have intentionally disconnected from the game will result in a warn or even more. Unintentional Disconnections / System Crashes If any players are disconnected within 15 minutes after the game start, the game will be restarted or draw after truanting the dropped player.
    [20:59:36] <@EEDL-RSS> EEDL Disconnect Rules: If any players are disconnected 15 minutes after the game start:If there is a valid save, the game will be reloaded, if the last save is outdated or there's no save, the game will continue. If don�t have save won the team with 7 more points, how works these points? Type ".points".

    [21:01:05] <@PowerXL> .points
    [21:01:05] <@EEDL-RSS> EEDL Points System: 1st - Kill = 1 point / 2nd - Roshan = 2 points / 3rd - Tower = 3 points / 4th - Rax = 5 points / 5th - Mega Creeps = 30 points.

    I accepted the truant on him, but he got DC and your team don't got more than 7 points!!!
    No one can prove if he pluged or not, but the next time he will be banned!

    Best Regards,
    #EEDL Staff
    European Elite Dota League!

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