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  1. #1

    Default [Suggestion] General Rules

    Dropping Management
    If a player dropped before first blood of gameplay, Players may use the commands "!drop #ofplayer" to drop the player, and afterwards to remake the game and be submitted as a draw by typing
    "!votermk" or wait for the reconnecton of the player by typing"!nodrop #ofplayer". Dropping with cause a loss of -10 points. Players can report the player than left the game by dropping.

    Away From Keyboard
    RGC does not accept afking in game, except for serius human reasons. Otherwise being afk is heavily punished cause of ruin of the game. When someone goes afk you can report it to the opponent, and call the nickname of the person who was AFK. This rule applies only when this situation is occurred

    The ForFeit Rule
    In order for a team to forfeit (ff) u will need to have all playing players agree and type "!ff" in all chat.

    Pausing the match is allowed in consideration with the 3 timeouts per player limit. However, abuse of this system is considered unsportsmanlike and will have consequences. You are not allowed to unpause an opposing teams pause until 1 minute has passed or until they agree/unpause. After 1
    minute the opposing team may unpause without notification, though it would be good natured to give notification. Each team is allowed a maximum of 3 minutes of pause. After 3 minutes of total pause time the restrictions on unpausing are lifted completely and are left to the discretion of the
    individual players.

    Anyone found abusing his hero suiciding him,selling items cause of rage will be punished within a time limit ban.
    RGC does not accept childish behaviors.

    RGC hates unmannered and Racist players, that means we do not tolerate any of these! You may be the best in the world, and you may think things differently from other players, but dont let your arrogance overcome yourself. Respect each others skill and person. If you dont like a respective
    person, try to compromise or deal with it in a mature way. You can act like a mature person and spend 5 minutes from your life to post the replay with the person you are about to criticize and the admins will take care of everything.
    Administrators will NOT allow any kind of flames or disrespect towards anyone. Racial slurs, racism and heavy flame will result in a severe punishment. Depending on the act of behaviour, you might get unvouched.
    Comment : Manners, are a difficult issue so there will be no excuses. Punishment goes for simple manners from 2 days to 1 week. Heavy flame, racism will lead you into a PERMABAN.

    Being a Captain can be difficult sometimes
    As there will always be a winner in the game, the team should not blame the fall of the game to the Captain, but working along to producing a better GG in the end. If the Captain couldnt meet up to expectations, just play on and continue the game.
    Anyone can be captain.

    Staff Rules

    1) Be Active
    a. Constantly check the chat/forums.
    b. Frequently process the ban and report appeals
    b. Be inside the channel daily or every two days.

    2) Kick & Ban Spammers (After they continue after a warning)
    a. Kick people who keep pasting the same information repetitively within a few minutes.

    3) Kick & Ban Scammers
    a. Kick people posting disreputable links.

    4) Kick & Ban inappropriate users (Racist/Sexist/Posting Illegal content)
    a. Kick people who are swearing and offending others.
    b. Kick people who are making racist remarks.
    c. Kick people who are making sexist remarks.
    d. Kick people who are sharing or posting illegal activities.

    5) Be clear about the rules
    a. Post some RGC client rules at auto system under FAQ,Tutorial,Rooms...etc

    Last edited by bitchgotraped; 17-02-2011 at 02:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Rank: Forum Addict
    • Join Date: Oct 2009
    • Posts: 747


    They are made but not yet approved, They need some remakes but still they are good from my point of view.


  3. #3


    it misses somethings like, BD - Badmaner( ingame problems)

    but its nice.

    Try to add, some ingame problems
    The best regards from: AgustiN

    Lucas "Agustinho" (HeadAdmin IDotA League )

  4. #4
    Rank: Forum Emperor
    • Join Date: Aug 2009
    • Posts: 5,000


    As madchen said... We alrdy make rgc rules , staff rules etc etc ... But, we didnt annoucment this, we have to w8 right time and right way for this. So, just stay patient and w8 for this And btw, gj bitchgotraped , your rules is not bad.
    Best Regards !

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by agustinho View Post
    it misses somethings like, BD - Badmaner( ingame problems)

    but its nice.

    Try to add, some ingame problems

    Behavior <--- Re-read that.

    Thank you XTC,NED,agustinho

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