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  1. #1
    Rank: Superior Deity
    • Join Date: May 2009
    • Posts: 1,403

    Default Random funny dr ingame screenshot

    Tyr as always bad mannered.. ccc

    Post your own screens of dr games

  2. #2
    Rank: Disciple
    • Join Date: Feb 2009
    • Posts: 206

    Default Re: Random funny dr ingame screenshot

    Fuck you bad mannered, that was a compliment, jewel :>
    Support having 1/3/10, carry 10/3/1 => simply perfect.


  3. #3
    Rank: RGC Leader
    • Join Date: May 2007
    • Posts: 1,869

    Default Re: Random funny dr ingame screenshot

    Bannet for flaming unless someone objects :-)
    "I am just another lost soul, locked inside a box, looking for a key."

    Please do not write me visitor messages or private messages on the forums, I do not have the time to check the at this point in time. I will reply on RGC if I have time, but sometime I am online but not present.

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